
HAND (Hosford-Abernethy Neighborhood District Association) is a non-profit group of elected volunteers for our inner-southeast Portland neighborhood. HAND is formally recognized by the City of Portland and serves as a conduit for official notices and other information.

HAND plays many roles, the most important of which is helping neighbors connect with one another so they can work jointly to make our neighborhood an even better place to live, work, and play. We also invite interesting guests and speakers to make presentations on neighborhood or city-wide issues.

Hosford-Abernethy Neighborhood district

Neighborhoods bordering HAND include: Buckman and Sunnyside to the north, Brooklyn and Creston-Kenilworth to the south, Richmond to the east and Downtown Portland to the west.

A bit about our meetings
At monthly board meetings everyone is welcome to participate in the conversation, but only Board Members are permitted to vote. If you have an issue you would like to discuss, it is best to contact the chair ahead of time, but we also try to reserve some time at the beginning of each meeting for pressing issues from neighbors. At General Meetings all members discuss and vote on issues. We want to hear from you, so if you have an idea or concern, please speak up!

General and Board meetings are held at St. Philip Neri Church on the 3rd Tuesday of the month at 7:00 PM (excluding August and December).

St. Philip Neri Church
2408 SE 16th Ave
Portland, OR 97202

Membership is open to all qualifying residents, property owners, business owners (or their designate), governmental agencies, and non-profit organizations living or located within the boundaries of HAND. A special membership, with all privileges and responsibilities, can be granted to a HAND resident high school student who is not necessarily of State of Oregon legal voting age.

Stay connected
To get a copy of meeting agendas and minutes, subscribe to our listserv. Send an email to HAND-ANNOUNCE-SUBSCRIBE@lists.riseup.net.

More about HAND
Check out the HAND Association by-laws.

If you have ideas, please bring them to a meeting!