Next Tuesday, parents and students will be saddling up their two-wheelers for a “bike train” to school. Join the fun, or keep a lookout for the posse coming down the hill!
Next Tuesday morning (Sept. 14) you can be part of a new and exciting way to get your kids to school! Join the Bike Train!
A volunteer from the Portland Office of Transportation will be helping to facilitate a Bike Train every Tuesday in September, and then we can take over the driver’s seat and make any adjustments or add new trains as we build momentum!
What is a Bike Train you ask? It is a fun way to bike to school following an established path, with “stops” at specific places & times, lead by responsile adults (in front and in back), that will get your child safetly to school in the morning!
Our train will start at SE Lincoln and 38th at 8:10am, and will make stops at SE Harrison at 28th at 8:20am, SE Harrison at 21st at 8:25am, then arrive at school at 8:35am! We will have sandwich board signs located at each Train Stop. Parents are required to ride with their children for their first ride, and are encouraged to join us anytime!
I will be sending out another reminder on Monday with some additional information and our “guidelines for safety” so that everyone can have a safe and fun Bike Train experience!
This model was started at Beech Elementary last spring and is now happening at 5 Portland schools! Visit the new website at for more information.