Presented by
The City of Portland’s Graffiti Abatement Program
and Friendly Streets, a non-profit organization

2014 Portland Regional Graffiti Summit
Tuesday, May 20, 2014
6:00pm to 8:30pm
OMSI Auditorium
1945 SE Water Avenue, Portland OR 97202

FREE Community Conference
This is a free 2.5-hour conference limited to the first 200 who pre-register. (Please pre-register no later than May 10th). Free light meal and dessert will be provided.

Graffiti vandalism can be harmful to the public’s perception of affected areas, and is expensive to eradicate. Graffiti that is left unattended impacts neighborhood livability, influences the economy of businesses, and can affect the sense of security for the entire community.

The focus of this community event is a comprehensive look at graffiti culture, including preventative measures that are being used in a number of communities, how law enforcement is working in collaboration with other agencies to arrest and prosecute vandals, and how to establish and sustain abatement efforts while being fiscally responsible to budget considerations.

Keynote: Constable Valerie Spicer – Vancouver BC Police Dept., M.A. (Art History), M.A. (Criminology), Ph.D. Candidate (Criminology)

Richard Toscan, Dean Emeritus, Virginia Commonwealth University (School of the Arts)

Award Recognition

Paul Watts, Graffiti Removal Services – Demonstration and free removal kits

Other presentations throughout this event will support the information that Constable Spicer will be sharing.

*Attendees who wish to become abatement volunteers can sign up at this event, and will be given a free kit of removal supplies to take home, courtesy of Friendly Streets and the City of Portland’s Office of Neighborhood Involvement.

To register, please call Portland Graffiti Abatement Coordinator, Dennis LoGiudice, 503-823-9666, Graffiti Abatement Program Assistant, Victor Salinas, 503-823-3093, or email your contact information to