HAND Neighbors,Â
Over the past several months, PBoT has been working with a stakeholder advisory group to plot out some options for a NE/SE 20’s bikeway.
Over the next week, there are three open houses where you can learn about the bikeway, offer your feedback and make any suggestions. You can attend, 1, 2 or all 3 of the events regardless of where you live.
Come anytime between 6 and 8:30 p.m.
- NORTH:Â Â Thursday, March 13, Fremont United Methodist Church (2620 NE Fremont)
- CENTRAL:Â Â Tuesday, March 18, Central Catholic High School (2401 SE Stark)
- SOUTH:Â Â Monday, March 17, Cleveland High School (3400 SE 26th Ave)
General Notification:
The project sent out a postcard announcement to approximately 17,000 addresses within 3-5 blocks of the project corridor near the end of February. A press release was issued at about the same time. Posters were developed and distributed to commercial establishments along the route as well (see link below).