Board members to the Hosford-Abernethy Neighborhood District Association serve two-year elected terms. Elections are held every May during our General Meeting. Elections of board officers are made the following month during a separate election. All who live, own property or a business within HAND are eligible to hold a board position.
2023 – 2024 Board Members:
Chris Eykamp (Chair)
Josie Kressner (Vice-Chair)
Karen Girard (Secretary)
Mark Linehan (Treasurer)
Michelle Sprague (Communications Chair)
Bruce Bikle (SE Uplift Board Representative)
Jill Ribesehl (SE Examiner Reporter)
Philip Cox (Southeast Uplift Land Use and Transportation Committee Representative)
Kim Nurmi
Peggy McDaniel
Barbara Stross
To be announced (Student Representative)
Other committees and appointments
Division Design Initiative Representatives: Linda Nettekoven
Central Eastside Industrial Council ‘s TPAC: (Transportation Parking Advisory Committee)
HBBA: Linda Nettekoven (Hawthorne Boulevard Business Association)