Courtesy: USGS

Courtesy: USGS

Bull Run Watershed Tour
August 22
9AM – 5PM
Leaves from St. Philip Neri (SE 16th Ave. and SE Division St, Portland, OR)

There is still room for more participants on this unique opportunity to see the source of our pristine water closeup!

If you’d like to attend, please note that there is a $10 fee from the Water Bureau to pay for the trip. Please make a check payable to HAND.

If you haven’t already signed up and paid, please let me know ASAP if you’d like to participate. I will send a separate email out to those who have signed up and paid.

The tour leaves at 9AM on August 22 from St. Philip Neri Church at SE 16th and Division, and returns at 5PM. Please bring your own lunch, and any other supplies you may need.

Information for Tour Participants

The Portland Water Bureau, in cooperation with the Forest Service, permits a limited number of public tours annually in the Bull Run Watershed. Your tour has been carefully planned and will be guided by a professional Water Resource Educator. During the tour you will ride through a great expanse of forest, see wildlife, lakes and streams, and learn about Portland’s primary water supply. Tours usually last about eight hours from time of departure to return.

To be most prepared for your tour, please consider the following:

Wear comfortable shoes and dress for the weather–it tends to be colder and wetter in the watershed than in Portland so bring extra layers and be prepared for rain. Most of your tour will be inside a vehicle with some opportunities to walk on rough trails or primitive roads.
Please bring adequate food and beverage to last the entire day. There are no places to purchase food or drink. Tour schedules do not allow time to stop for food or drink. We do carry a 5-gallon cooler of drinking water for you to refill bottles.
Restrooms are few and far between. Restrooms (ADA compliant) are provided at two locations only: Bear Creek House and Bull Run Lake. The Water Bureau tour bus is equipped with onboard facilities.
Please bring your own epinephrine kit if you are an individual who is known to have a severe allergic reaction. Though not common, bee stings are always a possibility in the watershed.
Please bring official photo identification with you on the tour. To ensure the security of critical water facilities all visitors are required to sign a liability waiver and provide home address and photo identification.
The watershed is located in a remote area. Cell phones will not receive service during the majority of the trip. The tour guide will carry a radio and satellite phone in the case of an emergency. Please note emergency services may have a delayed response time due to travel distance and conditions.
To help protect the watershed please remember the following:

No smoking during tours.
Body contact with the water is not permitted.
Use only the provided sanitation facilities.
Be prepared to take home any trash you may generate during the tour.
For your safety please remain with the group: steep or unstable slopes are not always fenced, and bear and cougar are known to inhabit the watershed.

If you have questions prior to the watershed visit please contact Ethan at