Portland’s Central City is home to thriving urban neighborhoods and the core of the regional economy. It is a resource for the metro area with a concentration of jobs, innovative cultural and entertainment destinations, bustling retail districts, urban universities and the Willamette River.

Continued success of the Central City will require our attention and planning. Central City 2035 (CC2035) is such a planning effort. As an update to the 1988 Central City Plan, CC2035 will address new challenges and opportunities to ensure a vibrant and sustainable Central City, now and in the future.

After two successful Housing and Community Development symposiums, Central City 2035 continues the CC2035 Symposium Series through winter, 2011. At these symposiums, you have a chance to learn about and contribute to the future of Portland’s Central City.

The development of a Concept Plan for the Central City is organized around six integrated themes:

Economic Vitality
Housing and Community Development
Urban Design
The Willamette River
Civic and Cultural Life

At each symposium, a group of experts, experienced professionals and interested community members will discuss one of the six themes. Most themes will be discussed over two separate symposiums: the first will examine existing conditions, constraints and opportunities, while the second will focus on the development of tools for setting direction. City staff will synthesize this information, as well as feedback from intermittent Open Houses and Public Forums, to create policies, goals and actions for CC2035.

For more information, visit www.portlandonline.com/bps/cc2035.