The Office of Neighborhood Involvement goals and mission guide what funding is sought, how staff resources are used, and how City funding is passed on to Coalition Offices (Southeast Uplift in our case) and neighborhood associations like HAND (e.g., we receive a small amount of money for communication). They also speak to how we reach out to traditionally “underrepresented” groups as well as newcomers to our community. Links are provided below to the proposed mission and goals as well as background documents. Linda
Comment on ONI’s Mission Statement and Bureau Goals
The Office of Neighborhood Involvement (ONI) has been working with staff and Bureau Advisory Committee (BAC) members to evaluate the current bureau mission statement and to develop bureau goals. ONI is now presenting a draft mission and bureau goals for review by all stakeholders to provide feedback on the proposal as well as on key challenges/issues identified during this process. A background report and Community Connect (five year plan to increase community involvement) are available to the community.
Please review the proposed ONI Mission and Goals and provide any feedback by October 30th to: Fax to: 503-865-3406 Or Mail to: Amy Archer, ONI, 1221 SW 4th Ave Room 110, Portland, OR 97204. The ONI BAC will consider feedback at their November 10th meeting, integrate any changes and finalize the ONI mission and goals. If you have any questions, please contact Amy Archer at 503-823-2294.