WAMO-email_08 An invitation from Portland Parks & Recreation:

What do you want in a community center? We asked – You Answered!! You told us your hopes, dreams and fears for a new community center at the Washington Monroe High School site.

Come see how your vision for this facility matches with your friends and neighbors. What did they want? What is possible? What choices will we have to make?

Tuesday, August 25
7:00 – 9:00 PM
Buckman Elementary School
320 SE 16th Ave.

This is the second of three Open Houses hosted by Portland Parks & Recreations. This is your chance to preview and comment on three design options. For more information on the project, Advisory Committee meetings and additional background information, go to www.PortlandParks.org

Childcare is available but must be requested by August 21st. Call 503-823-5113.