The Division Streetscape and Reconstruction Project, under the direction of the Portland Bureau of Transportation, will develop a transportation and streetscape plan for City Council adoption. The plan will develop design alternatives with the input and involvement of area residents, property owners and business owners. Improvements may include one or more of the following:

pedestrian crossing improvements
bicycle parking
transit amenities such as curb extensions, benches and shelters
green street solutions such as porous pavement, storm water mitigation and street trees
pedestrian-scale street amenities such as lighting, kiosks, benches and public art
signal enhancements to increase safety for motorists and pedestrians and to improve signal communications for transit priority technology and
opportunities for creating a sense of place that supports the mixed-use, multi-modal character of the neighborhood.

Guiding the the Division Streetscape and Reconstruction Project will be the Divison Green Street/Main Street Plan adopted by City Council in 2006. Developed by a coalition of citizens, businesses, City of Portland Staff (many areas represented) and many others, it focuses on the area between SE 11th and SE 60th. The plan contains goals, objectives and implementation strategies to create a pedstrian-friendly commercial district that reflects and reinforces community values, including a focus on sustainable and ‘green’ development. This project is also coordinating with The City of Portland’s Tabor to the River Brooklyn Creek Basin Program for sewer, green stormwater and watershed health improvements.

While much input has been gathered, now we are moving into the decisionmaking mode of what actual improvements will be made to our public right-of-way on Division. We need lots of community input to ensure that the improvements are valuable, effective and worthwhile. Some of you may be aware that community input was already solicited last summer regarding the Seven Corners Intersection. (You can now download the results of the that input: the 7 Corners Urban Design report here: http://www.portland planning/ index.cfm? c=48623).

The CAC meets monthly through November and expects to present it’s recommendation to City Council in December 2009.