Hosford-Abernethy Neighborhood Development Association (HAND)
Monthly Community and Board Meeting
February 17, 2009, St. Phillip Neri

Board members present: Chair Alex Bassos, Vice Chair Linda Nettekoven, Secretary Carolyn Brock, Treasurer Matthew Masini, Frank Dufay, Liz Gatti, Dave Kaplan, Wendy Kunkel, Amy Lewin, Lindsey McBride, Joseph Murphy, Sue Pearce, Marilee Tillstrom, Ethan Timm. Also Present: Land Use Chair Kina Voelz
Board members not present: Lois Hankins, Jack Spadaro

1. Introductions.

2. Crime Prevention officer.
Officer Yi, not the regular officer, but a fill-in-guy, noted that larceny and vehicle theft are big issues.
Alex asked what the implications of losing the SE precinct and being absorbed by the Central precinct are.
Officer Yi explained that he was at the whim of supervisors, but that technological devices allow for work between precincts. HE did note that there could be confusion at borders of precincts.
Emily noted that there are a lot of thefts from yards on SE 17th.
Officer Yi encouraged everyone to call and report incidents, as this information is entered into a database and used to allocate resources (i.e. services) to the neighborhood.
Sue asked how the precinct boundary is handled now. Officer Yi explained that current precincts have more distinct geographical boundaries, but that radios can be used if an incident crosses precinct lines.
Linda asked what to do about neighborhood drug houses or a rash of burglaries when we are in competition with downtown for resources. Officer Yi responded that the neighborhood will have multiple liasons.
Linda asked if HAND will have NERT (Neighborhood Emergency Response Team) officers. Yi responded that in theory this shouldn’t change, but some NERTs may bee eliminated. Sue noted that with budget cuts, more office jobs may be converted to street patrols.

3. Budget Cuts
Linda announced a list of relevant meetings.
Trimet bus service cut that would affect neighborhood is the potential cutting of #10 weekend service.
Discussion of the combination of the offices of Planning and Sustainability and the potential impacts were discussed.
The Portland Plan is delayed.
The Office of Neighborhood Involvement (ONI) is facing bigger cuts because it was funded in the past with more “one-time” money. ONI submitted possible 2.5%, 5% cut potential, which leads to 14% or 16% cuts with the loss of one-time funds. ONI is also submitting a “now-more-than-ever” budget. The biggest proposed cuts are graffiti removal services and remediation services. ONI is attempting to preserve neighborhood grants. March 10 is the day that this will be discussed at City Council.

4. Southeast Uplift
Tim O’neal explained that SE Uplift is faced with the budget cuts. The priority is to keep staff, though salaries and schedules may need to be reconfigured. Furnace problem is being resolved. The interim director, Paula Manly, will be in place for 4 or 5 months, part time, leading the search for a new director.

5. Sustainability
Tim is coordinating neighborhood sustainability issues, finding creative solutions at the local level. Sustainability could be cut from SEUL, though the neighborhood is supportive. There may be a city-wide sustainability committee.
Linda noted that Commissioner Fritz does not want to dampen the energy of neighbors. Linda also noted that sustainability was the 3rd item on the Mayor’s goals, and attended the Mayor’s sustainability summit. There will be quarterly meetings on eco-districts, sustainability, etc. Ethan noted that he had met with Transition PDX.

6. Crime Prevention Coordinator.

Havilah Ferschweiler described the usefulness and importance of block watches. Block watches are good for problem solving, neighborhood organizing, etc. To organize a blockwatch, call 503-823-0540.
Crime Prevention Through Neighborhood Design, (CPTED), hopes to alter the environment in order to alter behavior. A city resolution has been passed to ensure that any new development of city housing goes through CPTED process. There are also DIY (do-it-yourself) CPTED materials available.

7. Division Street
PDOT released RFP for public involvement and streetscape portions of job. Liz and Linda attended Central City Plan meeting. The Plan is still in process, with outreach not configured. No future meetings are scheduled. Mayor Adams wants a short-term plan associated with stimulus plan. CIC for Portland Plan put on hold in December. Linda noted that the strategic plan is to draw on projects which have already gone through the citizens’ involvement process.

8. Potential Rail Crossing
Chris Eykamp met with a local designer, David Ailass, who drew potential plans for pedestrian access to light rail, determining that an additional road crossing might be needed.
Sue noted that the station is planned for Gideon.
Ethan noted that an additional crossing could increase traffic in the surrounding streets.
Chris noted that in addition to traffic and parking issues, horn noise at this station will be a major problem. The issue of horn noise was discussed (see https://handpdx.org/2009/02/14/train-noise-concerns-in-neighborhood/). Lindsey encouraged everyone to talk to neighbors about train noise, including those who live on the West Side, as the sound travels.
Sue confirmed that the city has not promised that they will require a quiet zone. Linda noted that engineering doesn’t start until March, and confirmed that the city recognizes this as an issue. Emily noted the importance of a potential bike or pedestrian crossing at 18th, asserting that light rail should be designed to cut traffic, not increase it.
Chris noted that the current overhead track crossing will be demolished, and a replacement may be more expensive than a grade crossing designed to quiet-zone standards.
Kina inquired about a below grade rail alignment, noting that it may be difficult for all modes to exist at one grade.

Sue suggested that we have Dave Unsworth come every month to report on traffic circulation, noise, and safety.

All were encouraged to attend the upcoming light rail planning session:
March 10, 2009
5:30–7:30 p.m.
St. Philip Neri Church
2804 SE 16th Ave., Portland

9. Ross Island No Wake Zone
Alex emailed Bob Sullivan to say we needed a representative at the meeting in order to take action.

10. HAND Spring Cleanup
Marilee gave details on upcoming Cleanup:
May 2nd from 9-1
More money was given by SEUL for the cleanup this year.
No electronics will be taken; take them to Free Geek.
The gift will be a water bottle from New Seasons + logo by Butler
Emphasis will be on recycling and yard debris.
Postcards will be used for publicity.
Amy will make the postcard.

11. Treasurer’s report.
Lindsay reported that $1000 check from Starbucks will be coming.

12. Adjourn.

Submitted by:
Ethan Timm, Note-taker
Carolyn Brock, Secretary