The following draft meeting minutes has not yet been approved by the board:Hosford-Abernethy Community and Board Meeting
November 18, 2008
St. Phillip Neri Church, 7:00 p.m.
Board members present:
Chair Alex Bassos, Secretary Carolyn Brock, Frank Dufay, Liz Gatti, Lois Hankins, Dave Kaplan, Wendy Kunkel, Amy Lewin, Lindsey McBride, Joseph Murphy, Linda Nettekoven, Jack Spadaro, Marilee Tillstrom, Ethan Timm
Also present: Land Use Chair Kina Voelz
Board members absent:
Vice chair Sean McCusker, Treasurer Matthew Masini, Sue Pearce
Crime Prevention Officer
Officer Thomas Kaplan said that larceny was added to the crime report so crime
seemed to be up because it showed all the stats. If you have a question about crime, the # for the precinct is 503-823-2143. The closest station is 47th and Burnside. There is a traffic division on MLK. He did not know why the speed on Hawthorne Blvd. was changed to 25mph. but thought it could be for safety reasons.
1.Urgent issue of light rail horns at Division St. crossings. Kamala Bremer (503-232-4226 or asked that anyone interested in creating a quiet zone sign up so they can get a quiet zone incorporated as part of the light rail project. Without it there could be an additional 50 to 100 trains a day blowing 3 blasts each at the half dozen intersections in the neighborhood.
2.Duncan Parks at 2138 se 12th asked HAND for help with a land use issue. The city did not approve a skylight that would make the clearance over a “historic” stairway meet modern codes. To make the changes internally would be $10,000.00 to $15,000.00 more expensive and he felt the changes would not be conspicuous from the sidewalk. Kina Voelz had drafted a letter to the City in support of his appeal.
• Frank Dufay made a motion for HAND to endorse the letter of support, Dave Kaplan seconded it ,7 yes votes, 3 no votes, and 2 abstentions.
Linda Nettekoven felt that a letter had to be sent to the landmarks commission so they would know we took notice and want to be asked or informed about all the design reviews in the area. There was some discussion about Ladds addition historic district advisory board. Henry Kanowsky used to do design reviews, but there doesn’t seem to be anything left of the board except 2 boxes in Dave’s attic. Perhaps the issue should be addressed at a land use meeting.
3.Liz Gatti pointed out the poster from Tour de Ladd and as a parent thanked all those who helped with the event.
4. Friends of Trees tree planting is Dec 6th. 70 trees will be planted. Meet in the church parking lot at 39th and Brooklyn at 6 to 6:30 am.
5. FLAG asked for SEUL insurance to cover their fundraiser and volunteer
appreciation night as has been approved for the last 5 years.
• Liz made a motion tosupport the insurance for FLAG, Linda seconded, unanimous with no abstentions.
6. Ethan said that Dec. 13th is PGE weatherization day. There will be a
tour of Bull Run for up to 26 people at $10 a person.
1. Division Street Issues-Neel Pender
Linda mentioned that even though there have been 3 Planning Commission
meetings in the past 2 1/2 years to amend the package to utilize the existing buildings of 10,000 sq ft and they have voted unanimously to support it, the only meeting that counts is the City Council meeting on Dec. 10th. with it on the agenda at 3 p.m. Along with a representative of Richmond, Linda and commissioner Leonard had a meeting. The only resistance to the project was from Loprinzi’s Gym. Most of the neighbors are not for a big box but would like to see the building reused. The entrance would be on the ground floor with 6,000 to 7,000 sq. feet with the rest being on the upper level, leaving space for 4 to 6 tenants with approximately 1500 sq. ft. each. They would like to have the endorsement of the neighborhood. Someone asked
what would happen if it didn’t go through. The answer was not much. They would need to find new tenants, but it would probably sit until the economy turns around, or it would be sold for someone else to develop, perhaps in condos. They would rather create a model for Division St. that can work for other areas of the city. The parking lot would remain a parking lot.
2. Division Green Street/ Main Street funds
7corners working group – phase 1 recap/Planning commission meeting
Linda said they are waiting for a list of people interested in meeting to discuss where to go from here. The repaving and the streetscape from 12th to 39th should take at least 6 months to plan with the construction probably in 2010 or 2011. The plaza on Ladd Ave is on the back burner since there is no strong consensus. We will have to wait and see what happens in the traffic study. For now it is 2 lanes and parking through 7 corners. There are some other options on the web. Linda said there is a link for seven corners and they would like to see the ideas keep coming. They are running short budget wise.
• Liz made a motion that a letter be sent to ask for an additional 2.5 million dollars. Wendy seconded, vote unanimous with no abstentions, Linda and Carolyn volunteering to write the letter to Metro. The letter has to be in by Dec. 1 .
3. Pocket park grant application
Ethan and Kina submitted a grant proposal to get community input and get people
excited about the location at Division and 19th. Kina is considering other grants to help with the design documents and securing funding for the park. Some felt the neighbors should be informed that their parking lot was going away.
4. SE Clay Stree/ Green Street project – Ethan
Clay at 12th has become a model for stormwater management. There are breaks in the curb and plantings on the sides of the street. There are proposals for management of the stormwater with issues including loss of parking, safety of pedestrians and cyclists, and street furniture, seating, trash cans and bike corrals.
Board Issues
1. Linda gave Carolyn a few words to add to the minutes.
• With that change included the minutes were approved by motion from Frank and seconded by Ethan and approved by all with the exception of Jack and Lois who abstained because they
were not at the meeting.
2. Marilee brought up the need to rethink the cleanup since the price of scrap metal is down. There are still a lot of things that need to be dealt with such as pizza boxes and fluorescent tubes.
3. Linda asked for a letter of support for $660,000 for the Washington-Monroe Community Center.
4. The Christmas party will be on Tuesday, Dec.16th . It will be a potluck at Frank Dufay’s house for all the board members and their spouses, plus other guests.
Meeting adjourned at 8:54 p.m.
Submitted by:
Lois Hankins, Note-taker
Carolyn Brock, Secretary