Come join HAND at Piccolo Park next Wednesday, August 8, from 5-8pm for an ice cream social to celebrate National Night Out. Thanks to New Seasons Market for providing the treats!

Police and fire crews may stop by for a visit!

National Night Out is a unique community event celebrated in the U.S. and Canada that focuses on prevention of crime and drug activity. It is held annually the first Week in August. Neighbors throw block parties, cookouts, ice cream socials, musical concerts, parades or whatever else might bring neighbors outdoors to network. Events are designed to:

• Encourage local anti-crime programs

• Strengthen neighborhood spirit & police-community partnerships

• Send a message to criminals that neighborhoods are organized

and fighting back!

Bring the kids, bring the neighbors, bring the friends – it’s a great time to be in the park!

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Sue at

See you there!