NOTE FROM LINDA [edited for web]:
At our next Board meeting we need to consider whether HAND should send a letter and develop a strategy for “defending” the $2 million supplement for Division Street currently included in the METRO Transportation Funding Allocations.

Metro Seeks Public Comment sought on Transportation Funding Allocations for 2010-13
Beginning Oct. 13, Metro will open a 45-day public comment period on how to allocate $67.8 million in regional flexible funds for 2010-13. The comment period ends at noon on Dec. 1, 2008.

Regional flexible funds come from two federal funding categories established by Congress — the Surface Transportation Program and Congestion Mitigation/Air Quality funds. The regional flexible funds are administered in the Portland metropolitan region by Metro. Every two years, Metro allocates these funds according to policies established by the Metro Council and the Joint Policy Advisory Committee on Transportation (JPACT).

New policies guide application process

Based on extensive stakeholder and community input, JPACT developed a new two-step process to guide this year’s funding application cycle. First, JPACT set aside a $46.1 million to be apportioned among programs that are regional in nature, subject to public comment. Second, local jurisdictions submitted competitive applications for the remaining $21.7 million. The public is asked to help select the final list of local projects.

Ways to comment – The public is encouraged to visit: and read descriptions of the projects and programs, then submit comments in any one of the following ways:

* Online at www.oregonmetro/regionalflexiblefund
* Email (subject: “RFF Comments”)
* US mail: “RFF Comments,” Metro Planning, 600 NE Grand Avenue, Portland, OR 97232
* Fax: “RFF Comments,” 503-797-1930
* Attend one of the following public open houses and listening posts to testify before elected and agency officials and submit comments in writing for the public record:

Gresham City Hall Building
Wednesday, Oct. 15, 5 to 8 p.m.
Rooms 2A and 2B
1333 NW Eastman Parkway

Hillsboro Civic Center
Monday, Oct. 20, 5 to 8 p.m.
Room 113 B
150 E. Main St.

Oregon City, Pioneer Community Center
Tuesday, Oct. 28, 5 to 8 p.m.
615 Fifth St. (at Washington)
TriMet lines 33, 34, 35 and Express 99

Metro Regional Center
Thursday, Oct. 30, 5 to 8 p.m.
Council Chamber
600 NE Grand Ave., Portland

The public comments will be compiled into a report and considered by JPACT and the Metro Council before releasing a draft final funding recommendation. This final recommendation will be released for public comment in February 2009, concluding with a formal public hearing on February 13. JPACT will consider it for approval on March 5, and the Metro Council on March 12.

For technical questions about the programs or projects, call Ted Leybold, MTIP project manager, 503-797-1759. For questions about public involvement, call Pat Emmerson, 503-797-1551.