Meeting called to order at 7 pm by co chair Linda Nettekoven.
Board members present: Co-chairs Linda Nettekoven and Susan Pearce, Secretary Carolyn Brock, Treasurer Holli Ballestrem, Communications Chair Liz Gatti, Alex Bassos, Frank Dufay, Dave Kaplan, Wendy Kunkel, Amy Lewin, Lindsey McBride, Sean McCusker, Jack Spadaro, Marilee Tillstrom, Ethan Timm
Board members absent: Matthew Masini
Chair (Linda) asked that we adjust the agenda to move the crime prevention officer’s report to this time. Officer Kaplan supplied the neighborhood stats; emphasized vehicle thefts on the rise, encouraged neighbors to use the police phone number 503 823 SAFE to report street and pedestrian concerns.
• March minutes approved with Liz and Sean abstaining.
Treasurer’s report shows $28,425.31 on account. Mailing of April postcard expenses will be sent to SEUL to be paid from the HAND publicity account. Amy reported significant bump for web site as post cards were received. Thanks go to Amy and Holli for all their work on the postcards.
Steve Iwata and Kerstin Cathcart, Portland Bureau of Planning, clicked thru a presentation on The Portland Plan, a city wide effort to guide the physical, economic, social, cultural and environmental development of Portland over the next 30 years. Discussion relevant to HAND is the evolution of the area around Clinton and Gideon streets at the proposed MAX stop. Additional info: www.portlandonline.com/planning.
Carl Larson, the Safe Routes to School coordinator from Abernethy, asked for Board acceptance of the proposed raised crosswalk on Elliot at Ladd Circle. Those in attendance were not clear if this raised cross walk was in addition to one already agreed to closer to Abernethy School, on Elliot or if the proposal he was presenting was the one receiving the funding. Concerns:
Members felt that the safety of the entire Ladd Circle should be addressed.
Would there be striping and signing at this proposed site?
Does it invade the pedestrian space at the corner?
Do we really want it here?
Eventually, a motion was made by Sue Pearce that because the neighborhood priority is a crossing where Ladd Avenue intersects with the circle on the southeast side, HAND will not support the Elliot crossing as presented here tonight. Liz seconded. The consensus was not to take a formal vote on a motion because we did not have sufficient information to be sure whether or not the Ladd Avenue intersection (SE side of the circle) was included in the Elliot proposal or under consideration separately. Lindaasked for a show of hands, those not committed to an Elliot crossing. majority, one abstaining. The issue was referred to the executive committee for clarification.
Tristan Whitehead of BES rolled in with one of the new recycle carts, answered questions: what goes in, what stays out. Keep in mind , you don’t have to set carts out if they are not full, ie in not every week.
Ethan will represent HAND as planning for Muddy Boot Festival .
NAMI walk on Eastbank Esplanade meets required guidelines, therefore, HAND agrees to sign off.
Meeting adjourned.
Submitted by:
Marilee Tillstrom, note-taker
Carolyn Brock, Secretary