HAND Board Meeting, June17, 2008
The meeting was called to order at 7:05 pm by Co-chair sue Pearce.

Board members present: Co-chair Sue Pearce, Secretary Carolyn Brock, Alex Bassos, Liz Gatti, Lois Hankins, Wendy Kunkel, Amy Lewin, Lindsey McBride, Sean McCusker, Joseph Murphy, Jack Spadaro, Marilee Tillstrom, Ethan Timm. Also present: Land Use Chair Kina Voelz.
Board members absent: Co-chair Linda Nettekoven, Dave Kaplan, Matthew Masini.

After introductions of Board members and the public present, there was a report from Steve Miro, our Portland Police Crime Prevention officer. Reported crime has been low this month, compared to other neighborhoods within the precinct.

Neel Pender and Charles Kingsly presented to the board a time-sensitive request that the board support a code amendment package (regulatory improvement) that will allow the reuse of the Wild Oats building, as well as other larger buildings on SE Division. The regulatory change is in response to unintended consequences for existing buildings and the Division Green Street/Main Street Plan. The proposal is the result of a collaborative effort involving neighbors, business owners, and New Villages, which is Stan Amy’s development group. If the proposal does not pass, the project could be on hold for at least another nine months. They believe the proposed amendment encourages creative re-use of buildings on Division. The health club proposal has been reduced to less than 10,000 square feet on the street level, with retail development as well.
• Liz Gatti made a motion to have the board write a letter of support for the code regulatory improvement proposal. Sean McCusker seconded the motion. The motion passed with a unanimous vote.

Approval of May minutes:
• Ethan Timm made a motion that the board accept the May Minutes. Sean McCusker seconded the motion. The vote passed with two board members abstaining.

Holli Ballestrem gave the treasurer’s report. HAND has a balance in the account for $29,929.87. This month there were expenses of $756.19 and a deposit of $1.27.

• Carolyn Brock made a motion to reappoint Frank Dufay to the HAND Board. Liz Gatti seconded the motion. The yes vote was unanimous.

Adam Zucker made a formal presentation to the HAND Board, requesting a letter of support for his proposal to include SE 9th avenue, between SE Division and Burnside, in the new bike boulevard master plan with the City of Portland. Adam had presented his proposal earlier at the HAND Board land use committee.
• Ethan Timm made a motion for HAND to write a letter of support for this proposal. Included in this letter should be that HAND would like special attention paid to the intersections involving Division, Clinton, light rail and routes to the River. The board would like the bike boulevard to augment the route to the river. Liz Gatti seconded this motion. The motion passed with a unanimous vote. Ethan Timm volunteered to write the letter.

Sue Pearce gave the board an update on the SE 20th and Hawthorne intersection. The Executive Committee had previously met in an emergency response to neighborhood concerns about the development and parking proposals at the intersection. The letter had been sent on June 6, 2008.
• Amy Lewin moved to approve the letter as written. Alex Bassos seconded the motion. The motion passed with one abstention.

Sue Pearce asked that the HAND Board ratify the letter written regarding the South Corridor Light Rail project. The letter was drafted using comments that many board members had made after viewing the property involved. Ethan Timm felt the letter summarized their feelings. Dana Lucero should get credit for drafting the letter.
• Sean McCusker made a motion to support the letter. Ethan Timm seconded the motion. The motion passed with one abstention.

Sue Pearce announced that the Portland Triathlon is asking for a letter of support to hold the annual event in the HAND neighborhood. This would involve the SE Esplanade. Parks Department guidelines do not allow competitive events on the Esplanade. The event was given special authorization last year on a one-time basis.
• Since there were no complaints from last year, Wendy Kunkel made a motion that the HAND Board write a letter of support. Carolyn Brock seconded the motion. Sue offered a (friendly amendment/ clarification) that the letter should indicate that, based on the fact that there were no complaints last year, the Board offers no objection to the event this year. The letter of no-objection will apply to this years event only; future events will be addressed on a year to year basis. The motion passed. Sue will send the letter.
The HAND Board held elections for officers. Liz Gatti nominated Alex Bassos for Chair. Wendy Kunkel nominated Sean McCusker for Vice -Chair. Jack Spadaro nominated Carolyn Brock for secretary. Alex Bassos nominated Matthew Masini as treasurer. It was suggested that Linda Nettekoven might be willing to serve as Publicity Chair. The board decided to vote as a slate. Since neither Linda Nettekoven nor Matthew Masini was present, the Board decided to keep these positions open until the next HAND Board meeting. The others nominated were voted on.
• The vote was unanimous in favor of the slate. Alex Bassos will be Chair, Sean McCusker will be Vice-Chair, and Carolyn Brock will continue as secretary. Until a treasurer is elected, Sean McCusker will act as treasurer as well.

Several announcements were made:
Hosford Middle School Foundation is requesting a donation from HAND.
Seul passed their budget and is having an ice cream social on July 7, 2008 between 7:30 and 9:00 pm.
The Division /Clinton Street Fair needs volunteers. They have also requested that HAND provide a check to insure a place for our booth/table.
• Amy moved and Jack seconded that we pay the $35 for a booth at the street fair. The Motion passed unanimously.

The Muddy Boots Festival will be held this year on September 5, 6 and 7. Ethan Timm is interested in having HAND have another booth this year. HAND has to pay for a tent space. The board will make the final decision in July.
The River Fest will be held this year on Labor Day Weekend. This event celebrates the river. Donations will be requested and there is an opportunity for HAND to have a booth. The consensus of the board was to focus our energy on the street fair and the Muddy Boots festival and perhaps participate in River Fest next year.
A Portland Street Car meeting will be held on July 27, 2008. There will also be a city-wide land use meeting Tuesday, June 23, 2008.
A question was left with the Board as to whether we want to use a fifth Tuesday to talk about sustainability issues. July 29 is the next suitable date.

The next HAND Board meeting will be held on July 15, 2008.

The meeting was adjourned at 9:10pm.

Submitted by:
Wendy Kunkel, Note-taker
Carolyn Brock, Secretary