Hosford-Abernethy Neighborhood Development
Board Meeting: Tuesday, March 18, 2008
St. Phillip Neri Church Paulist Center, 2408 SE 16th Avenue (and Division)
BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Co-Chairs Linda Nettekoven (LN) & Sue Pearce (SP), Secretary Carolyn Brock (CB), Matthew Masini (MM), Jack Spadaro(JS), Alex Bassos(AB), Wendy Kunkel(WK), Amy Lewin(AL), Marilee Tillstrom(MT), Lindsey McBride(LM), Dave Kaplan(DK), Liz Gatti(LG), Frank Dufay(FD), Ethan Timm (ET)
BOARD MEMBERS ABSENT: Treasurer Holli Ballestrem (HB), Sean McCusker(SM)
Meeting called to order, 7:05PM
LN: Omission on agenda. After Bar Avignon, add Cleanup report.
Treasurer Holly not present due to family emergency.
Approval of minutes
ET: Add declining Mt. Hood glaciers and declining Pinot Noir production to discussion of global warming effects.
SP: Group discussion regarding status of HAND funds was not tabled, rather referred to Finance Committee.
• FD Move to approve minutes. MM Second
All in favor except abstentions from JS, LG, DK.
Crime Prevention
LN – Anyone interested in attending SE Precinct public safety meeting on the 4th Wednesday of every month at 6PM?
SP – Can try to attend.
PDX – Milwaukee Light Rail Presentation by Crista Gardner
Next step is the Supplementary Draft Environmental Impact Statement (SDEIS). This will include tweaks to alignment, bridges, and impact on Park Ave. in Milwaukie. The SDEIS looks at environmental impacts, social impacts, and expenses of the project. SDEIS will be published in early May followed by a 45-day comment period including 3 open houses and public hearings.
In June, the EIS will be brought to the relevant jurisdictions, citizens’ advisory groups, and finally to the city council.
Jim Karleck asked: How will proposed Max effect this neighborhood if Tri-Met recommends that Max stops serve neighborhoods of 22,600 people? How many businesses will be shut down? Crista Gardner responded that this question will be addressed in the EIS. Some effects to be anticipated are business displacement and property acquisition. Zoning will not be changed. LN added that HAND has had numerous meetings about the proposed Max line and has toured the Clinton/Gideon station area. Jim stated that 22,600 people is more than the total population of Milwaukee. Crista Gardner responded that the EIS will look at land use changes, and developers will also look at these changes. Jim stated that this number (22,600) is in Metro code as being an optimal population within 1/2 mile of station. Crista Gardner stated that 1/2 mile radius around stations was determined by walking distances. Code is Title 1.
Jim asked whether 100 businesses would be impacted by current Max alignment. SP – This may be true along full length of line. The number is closer to 15-20 in the SE Industrial Area depending on alignment.
LM – Stated that on our station walkabout, we looked at Gideon. Asked if this is still the area under consideration. SP responded that Gideon and Clinton are currently zoned General Industrial. Next month, Joe Zender will be meeting with HAND to discuss CEID rezoning.
Update on East Side Big Pipe Project by Joe Annett (part 1)
7 Shafts have been completed and the tunneling is complete up to just past the Burnside Bridge. All of the side shafts except 18th Ave. are complete. He has been out on the street with businesses, who have been generally cooperative. Joe gave an informative presentation describing the Combined Sewer Overflow (CSO) problem and the goal of the big pipe to capture 94% of overflow before it gets to the River. He asserted that the project is going well in part because of the public involvement team which started outreach 2 years before the project began.
WK asked when project will be done. Joe replied that they are looking at a 2011 completion. Material (clean dirt) is being used to fill the lagoon at Ross Island. Due to technical difficulty with digital presentation, this presentation was postponed until later in the meeting.
Planning & Agenda for General Meeting in May
LN announced that the HAND general elections are in May and that a nominating committee is needed. The bylaws are out of compliance and need to be refined and updated. Term is 1 year and meets once a month. LN suggested that a requirement is to bring passion to the board. CB reminded those present that board terms are 2 years.
CBO Grant/Save Our Elms
DK gave an update on pruning. 14 trees have been pruned, spending 5,000 of 33,000 grant. Early pruning has turned up a mixed blessing. An arborist found a nest of beetles and evidence of Dutch Elm disease. Tree on Lavender was removed.
LN asked DK to discuss the inoculation program. DK reminded those present that Save Our Elms raises about $15,000 for inoculation of the Elms in Ladd’s Addition. Volunteers meet at 9AM at Palio’s for inoculation. DK also stated that the Home Tour will move to the Fall and that 31 trees were planted last Saturday.
Kina Voelz asked if these were mixed species, to which DK replied that based upon the 1900 Plan, they are a mix of Maples, Birch, and disease-resistant Elms.
LN asked the date for Friends of Trees planting. JS responded that he would like to start advertising for tree planting in December. This was unanimously blessed by the board.
Update on East Side Big Pipe Project by Joe Annett (part 2)
After setting up his computer, Joe continued his presentation on the East Side Big Pipe Project. The total project budget or $1.4 billion contributes not only to the big pipe, but also to downspout disconnect programs, green streets, and sewer separation. Kina Voelz asked if pipe was extending to Columbia Blvd Sewer Treatment Plant. Mr. Annett responded that it is extending to Swan Island, where it enters a holding tank. The pipe is also a holding tank. The project has been going smoothly except for a 1-month delay early on caused by a rupture. A presentation with photographs and digital animations of the tunnel construction process followed. Discussing the current state of Water Ave, Joe said that half of Water Ave is pervious and half is impervious. HE then described the construction process on the River St. Shaft, at the 18th and Insley Out Fall, the Ash Grove Out Fall, and the positive relationship between the contructino crew, Minella Produce, and Graziano Produce.
Mr. Annett said that community relations with Businesses for a Clear River, ESCSO Review, Bike Groups, Neighborhood, and Business Associations have been positive. HE went on to reiterate the details of the CBO Program. More information can be found at cleanriverworks.com.
New Neighborhood Business – Bar Avignon
Randy Goodman and Nancy Hunt announced that they will be opening Bar Avignon. This is the realization of a 15-year goal. They have been in the business for many years, and have learned a lot. They have lived in the area for 15 years, and live in the Mt. Tabor neighborhood. Randy was the manager at Wildwood. Randy mentioned Matt Schweitzer, who owns the Mt. Baker Building. LN mentioned that she and CB have met with him to talk about plans for Seven Corners. Randy explained that the storefront is being maintained and that they are planning to open in May or June. They will serve beer, wine, liquor, with a small kitchen. They will not have Lottery, and they wil be non-smoking. They will be open from 4 to midnight, Wednesday through Sunday. They plan to have outside tables until 10pm. Trash and recycling will be contained in the building. There may be a Yogurt shop opening up in the building as well. The theme will be a neighborhood spot that is pretty casual. They are excited to have it in bike-riding distance from home.
LG asked whether there will be non-alcoholic drinks. Randy responded that there will be filtered water, coffee, and tea.
SP mentioned the content of Good Neighbor Agreements which generally respond to complaints about noise after 10pm. Will the last dish be served outside at 10PM, or will the outdoor seating be closed at 10? Nancy responded that they have not yet arranged seating.
SP asked about departure noise and whether patrons could be asked to remain quiet, park politely, not drive erratically, litter, or behave antisocially. Nancy responded that they are not looking to attract a young raucous crowd. They plan to have light music, such as accordions, on Sunday.
ET inquired about the green features of the building. Randy responded that the building will have solar hot water, and the interiors will source reclaimed wood. The construction will use minimal materials, organic paints, and recycled products. He mentioned that the ceiling would be exposed wood and be minimally insulated. Composting and limited menu printing will be explored. SP suggested a blackboard.
LM asked the square foot cost in the building. Nancy estimated it in the low $20s.
Lucinda Agre commented that the owners have reasonable rates and well-managed buildings. Randy concurred, saying that he is happy to be leasing from a Portland company.
FD recommended Friday night wine-tastings. Randy and Nancy announced that they will have regular events and will be open in Mid-June to Mid-July. More information in the future can be found at baravignon.com
Neighborhood Clean Up (April 26th, 9-1)
MT announced cleanup details: 2 shifts of volunteers are needed, from 9-11 and 11-1. She reminded volunteers to wear appropriate footwear and to wear gloves. Posters were distributed for Hawthorne, Division, Clinton, and yard signs. LG noted that signs were colored by students at Abernethy.
Addressing our carbon footprint at the neighborhood level
At the beginning of the presentation by AB, Jim Karleck distributed materials disputing the truth of global warming.
AB announced the Campaign for a Carbon-Neutral Neighborhood. He stated that we are at a transformational moment, a tipping point. The time has passed for small green teams that meet just once a year. AB asked the board to adopt a goal of reducing the neighborhood carbon footprint and to approve the Campaign for a Carbon-Neutral Neighborhood. The goals would be a 10% reduction of the neighborhood’s carbon footprint in 1 year, and a 50% reduction of the carbon footprint by 2025. AB explained that people are ready to make small changes, and are more likely to do so if they are given an opportunity and opt to do so. To this end, the plan is to divide the neighborhood into precincts of 20-30 homes. Each precinct has a precinct captain who is empowered to act creatively. There will be no pressure on the precinct captains. We have talked with representatives of the Community Energy Project who will help weatherize the neighborhood. Other initiatives could include the Bike Commute Challenge, coordination with tree groups, an environmental component to the good neighbor agreement, and an identifying sticker for supporting individuals, homes and businesses. Another important component would be filtering land use and Board issues through a green perspective.
JS commented that this was an impressive piece of work.
Responding to questions from Jim Karleck about the validity of global warming information, ET explained that the goals were influenced by the 2030 challenge and that we have pursued the launching of this campaign because reducing carbon emissions has been stated as a city-wide goal.
• AB moved that the Board adopt the official goal of reducing the neighborhood’s carbon footprint. WK seconded. All voted in favor except AL, who abstained.
• AB moved that the board approve the formation of an organizing committee for the Campaign for a Carbon Neutral Neighborhood. WK Seconded. LG commented that that it will take lots of time to do this. AB explained that it will be launched in September. LG commented that it will function like the Finance Committee. All voted in favor except AL abstained.
AB clarified that the organizing committee was for everyone in the community, not just board members.
Division St. & New Seasons Parking Lot
LN gave the results of a recent online vote regarding the Seven Corners New Seasons parking lot. Should it remain the same or change to one-way? The results were as follows:
760 total responses
287 said leave it as it is
308 said change it to one-way
165 had flashes of brilliance and gave alternate ideas.
MT appreciated that the management took notice of a problem.
LN said that there was concern about pedestrian issues, not just parking.
MT asked if they could restripe rather than changing to one way.
ET commented that better traffic flow would encourage faster traffic flow, which could create a worse situation for pedestrians.
Lucinda Agre suggested that the lot could be re-striped, perhaps giving up just 5 spots. Giving up spots would be offset by more convenient parking. Getting into the parking lot has created a lot of traffic problems. Easier parking will offset the loss of spaces.
SP asked if there could be stop signs at the exits.
Kina Voelz asked if the double stripes on Division meant that left turns into the lot were illegal. It was explained that this is not the case.
LN commented that it was past the time for the building to close and to watch our emails for missed agenda items.
Meeting adjourned, 9:05PM
Submitted by:
Ethan Timm, Note-taker
Carolyn Brock, Secretary