Hosford-Abernethy Neighborhood Development
Board Meeting
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
St. Phillip Neri Church Paulist Center
2408 SE 16th Avenue (and Division)

BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Chair Joe Hagedorn, Vice Chair Linda Nettekoven, Secretary Carolyn Brock, Treasurer Holli Ballestrem, Communications Chair Liz Gatti, Alex Bassos, Frank Dufay, Wendy Kunkel, Amy Lewin, Matthew Masini, Sean McCusker, Susan Pearce, Jack Spadaro, Marilee Tillstrom

BOARD MEMBERS ABSENT: Dave Kaplan, Lindsey McBride


Land Use Meeting came to order at 6:40 p.m. On the agenda – an update on the REACH proposal for SE 20th & Division/Ladd Ave. Presenting for REACH: Michelle Haines, REACH Community Development Housing Development Manager; Schuyler Smith, Project Manager for Vallaster Corl Architects; Bob Schroeder, Construction Manager Vallaster Corl Architects; Kristen Stever, brokerage/real estate advisor; Topaz Faulkner, realtor.

Haines explained that REACH was seeking a letter of support from HAND to the city Landmarks Commission regarding the Type 3 Historic Design Review of this building. [Public comment period for the project will begin after the project is posted online on Oct. 20th. Notices will go out to immediate neighbors on November 6th. A public hearing in front of the Landmarks Commission will be November 26th at 1:30 p.m., 2nd Floor of 1900 SW 4th Ave.]

She then turned the presentation over to Project Manager Schuyler Smith with Vallaster Corl Architects. Smith reviewed what had changed in the building’s design since the last HAND meeting in July. The exterior colors and brick layout has changed. A brick cornice now extends around the building. There’s a larger cornice on the 3rd floor and windows have changed to reflect a more consistent 3,1,3 module.

Specific questions regarding parking issues (11 auto spaces and 11 bike spaces for 27 units) were addressed. Some neighbors present asked about tenants’ line of sight into nearby backyards as well as potential traffic congestion at the light on SE Ladd & Division.

There was also discussion about the softening condo market in Portland and how this may or may not affect the building’s design and marketability.

• After nearly an hour of discussion about these related issues, Alex Bassos moved that HAND write a letter of support to the Landmarks Commission regarding the REACH project, seconded by Sue Pearce. Motion passed with 11 in support, 0 opposed, 3 abstentions.


HAND regular board meeting came to order at 7:30 p.m.

• Motion to approve the September minutes with revisions was made by Sue Pearce, seconded by Liz Gatti. Motion passed unanimously, 3 abstentions.

Treasurer’s report: HAND account balance: $29,985.33 Total expenses for the month $150. Monthly statement not yet received.

Katherine Anderson, city Crime Prevention Specialist, presented the latest crime resource numbers. She noted that last Thursday some business owners and neighbors met to discuss a recent string of burglaries that have hit businesses in HAND and Richmond. She is encouraging neighbors and business owners to create neighborhood watch groups for their block/streets. She is handing out fliers to help coordinate this and is available for anyone who may need help in organizing. Anderson also noted there’s a Community Policing Forum set for Oct. 24th to discuss crime in Southeast Portland with officers and other community leaders.

METRO’s Senior Public Affairs Coordinator Phillip Kennnedy-Wong presented an update to the community meetings last month for Light Rail in Southeast Portland. He handed out information about an upcoming Open House for neighbors to find out what feedback METRO has received so far about the proposed light rail stations. One station is set for HAND at SE 12th & Gideon. He encouraged people to go to the site, think about how a station would affect the neighborhood and give METRO their feedback. The Light Rail is not expected to be built for another 7 years, but they are working to create good feedback so that everyone knows what to expect when it is built.

SEUL Land Use and Transportation Coordinator Gary Berger introduced Tim O’Neal — the new Sustainability Program Coordinator with Southeast Uplift. Tim will be available to help coordinate volunteers working in the neighborhood on issues relating to sustainability.

Garbage Rules & Regulations Update: Linda gave an update on issues recently addressed at city hall regarding trash. Beginning next year, residential garbage users will be able to use new roll carts for recycling. They may also be able to recycle food scraps as part of the new service. Businesses that store their trash on public right-of-way will soon be banned from doing so. A new ordinance that will affect some businesses in HAND will require them to keep trash off sidewalks and streets. City officials are working with the approximate 300 businesses in the city to find adequate solutions. Also, the city is looking at franchising garbage service for commercial buildings. There’s motivation to do so to reduce noise at clustered business/residential zones and also reduce traffic. There’s concern that this will cut into the competitive market of smaller garbage haulers.

Bike Corral: Business owner Tyler Robertson with Clever Cycles approached HAND about gathering support for on street bike parking in front of his shop on SE Hawthorne & 9th Ave. Robertson, who just opened the bike shop at 908 SE Hawthorne, says he already has support from at least 16 businesses in the immediate area to create this bike parking zone. He plans to take this information to PDOT for approval.
• Alex Bassos moved that HAND support the idea of a “bike corral” at this location, the motion was seconded by Holli Ballestrem and unanimously approved by the board.

Communications Update: Chair Liz Gatti asked that the team of communicators within HAND meet to discuss goals and mission of HAND. Holli mentioned that the new budget for communications from SEUL this fiscal year is $1323 — of which $1280 is available for communications through June 30, 2008.

FLAG Holiday Party: Linda Nettekoven received a letter from FLAG requesting an endorsement from HAND for insurance coverage through SEUL for their holiday party scheduled for Dec. 2. It was noted that FLAG requested the endorsement earlier than years past.
• Linda moved to write the letter of endorsement/support, it was seconded by Sue Pearce and unanimously approved by the board members present.

Tree Planting Update: Jack Spadaro announced that the neighborhood tree planting is Saturday, Dec. 1 at 8 a.m. — they’ll be meeting at St. Paul’s Church on SE 39th & Brooklyn. Jack is requesting HAND make available at least $425 to be used to purchase a tree for Hosford school, help other neighbors who may want a street tree but not be financially able to, and to also help a neighbor cut the concrete in the parking strip so that a tree can be planted.
• A motion was made by Liz Gatti to support this request, contingent on at least one tree being planted at Hosford. Marilee Tillstrom seconded it. Motion was unanimously approved by the board members present.

The National Walk or Bike to School Day on Oct. 3 was a popular hit with Abernethy Elementary students and parents. At tonight’s meeting, HAND board member Liz Gatti shared that now EVERY Friday students and parents will walk or bike to school. Rain or shine!

19th Street/ Division Update re a Park – Linda Nettekoven recently learned that this location is actually not public property but set aside as “public right of way.” That means that if it were developed by the city it would have to be transportation oriented. She inquired if any board members wanted to creatively pursue how this could be developed into something “park-like.” There was support, but no specific plan set on how to pursue this.

SE Area Art Walk – Linda announced that organizers of the SE Area Art Walk are working to apply for a neighborhood grant for funding this walk. She asked if board members would be comfortable with executive committee members working to help the SE Art group write their grant proposal. There were no objections.

Chair Joe Hagedorn announced that he has moved out of the neighborhood and will be stepping down as chair of HAND. He said he would end his position as of November and asked anyone interested to step forward.

Linda mentioned that Lauro Kitchen is having their benefit for Hosford, Wednesday October 17 — 20-percent of proceeds benefit the school.

Meeting was adjourned 9:00 p.m.

Next HAND meeting is Tuesday, November 20th.
HAND will not hold a meeting in December but instead celebrate with a holiday party on Tuesday, December 18 (Frank DuFay generously volunteered his home for the event.)

Submitted by:
Amy Lewin, Note-taker
Carolyn Brock, Secretary