HAND Meeting September 18th, 2007
St. Phillip Neri Church, 7:00 p.m.
Board Members present: Joe Hagedorn, Chair, Secretary Carolyn Brock, Linda Nettekoven Vice Chair, Holli Ballestrem Treasurer, Communications Chair Liz Gatti, Sue Pearce, Frank Dufay, Dave Kaplan, Lindsey McBride, Matthew Masini, Amy Lewin, Marilee Tillstrom, Jack Spadaro
Absent: Wendy Kunkel, Sean McCusker, Alex Bassos
Call to Order and Introductions
-July minutes accepted, moved by Sue P. seconded by Linda N., minutes go to SEUL and will be posted on the HAND website once they’re approved. Clarified by Carolyn and reiterated by Sue.
-$30,135.33 in bank, according to Holli Ballestrem.
-No crime prevention officer present.
-Joe and Linda gave a brief overview of role and composition of SEUL.
NRT Officers
-Linda Nettekoven reported on today’s DCBA meeting she attended and provided an update about NRT officers. There is a new neighborhood officer: Officer Steven Mirau 823-1274, smirau@portlandpolice.org. He is one of 3 NRT officers for the entire SE precinct assigned to assist both neighborhoods and business districts in his section.
CBO Update – Dave Kaplan reported on activities of Community Benefit Opportunities (CBO) outcomes of East Side Pipe activities. The health of the river is already improved and will continue to improve once the East side pipe is installed and in use. Recognizing the disruption to the community, millions of dollars were set aside for community projects. DK has been HAND’s rep to the CBO process. 20 projects have been recommended for funding across the community. Improvements include pedestrian access, biking efforts, some help for businesses with eco-scaping, and trail connections. Some geographically sensitive projects will take 2-3 years for completion. Tree Canopy Preservation: Contact DK specifically for consideration of matching funds for pruning of mature street trees in Ladd’s Addition. 503-232-2559.
CES URAC Update – Sue P. provided an update on Central Eastside Urban Renewal Area Committee – includes Burnside Bridgehead, not much progress made. The developer is currently looking for an anchor tenant and has been given one final extension before the project could return to another round of an RFP.
Burnside Couch Couplet – currently under planning and funding is under discussion.
South Corridor Lightrail
slated for development in Milwaukie through HAND to downtown.
Will enter HAND with a station currently planned to be at Gideon (between Powell and Clinton). A new bridge crossing the Willamette will accommodate the lightrail, street car, peds, bikes, buses but not cars. Where it will cross the river, where it will land on the east and west sides of the river, is under discussion.
Sue P. is a member of Citizen Advisory Committee and they are looking for members to join a security and safety committee. Committee will be charged with looking at safety and security concerns on and along lightrail. Meeting will be held at Metro. If you want to be involved please contact Sue Pearce at 503-232-5138. This is a public committee and is open to all citizens.
Importance of coordinating a plan for a route to the river in the southern portion of HAND (from Clinton @ 11th and 12th to connect with the Eastbank Esplanade and Springwater Trail at or near Caruthers at the river and/or with the new bridge. It is important not only that that route be coordinated with the converging rail transports, but also that it not be obliterated by them.
Clay Street/Green Street Project – reviewed at the meeting. Concerns include how will this impact parking?
Eastside Streetcar Loop
Extended from existing alignment across Broadway bridge toward Lloyd Center to Convention Center and then up and down MLK and Grand to terminate at OMSI. Union Pacific Railroad tracks present a design challenge.
Will cross on light rail bridge into city center.
Has been supported by City Council and will use CES URA (Central Eastside Urban Renewal Area) dollars in a mix of funding for the total project. Funding may also include “parking†money although it is controversial to push toward metered parking.
Local improvement district property and business owners within 2-3 blocks of the project will be asked to contribute to LID; this was capped at a total of $15 million.(LID applies to business owners and property owners but not to owner-occupied properties.
Construction time frame targets completion in 2011.
National Bike and Walk to School Day/Safe Routes to School
Liz G. is hoping to find a way to have the intersections more clearly marked. She is working to make it safer around the school, meetings are called as needed and they are open to everyone. Next gathering is 9/26 at 9:15 at Ramekins to plan Walk and Bike Day. Bike Racks have been added at Abernethy. Liz will try and share the map of connections for 10/3 event.
Lois Hankins presentation
Owner of Hankins Hardware store on Hawthorne and Ladd’s Addition neighbor is hoping for updating of zoning from residential to commercial so that she can keep her Hardware store open and add living space on top. They are currently considered a “non-conforming use.†Linda N. added that when Hawthorne updated its Transportation Plan it wasn’t able to address zoning issues as we did on Division St. May be challenging to seek a large-scale plan amendment (from 12th to 26th) since the City is getting ready to do an update of the plan for the entire city (Comprehensive Plan) and may not want to consider it outside that update process.
Frank D. made a motion to form a sub committee – totally open – to work with Lois, seconded by Sue P. Motion passes, no dissenters. Frank will pull committee together.
Linda N. agreed to go to upcoming Buckman neighborhood meeting with Lois Hankins.
Lindsey McB stated her support for this effort as a good use of HAND and HAND expertise.
Linda N. mentioned there will be challenges as city approaches a comprehensive plan.
Regional Equity Atlas Workshop – Carolyn B. – a SEUL event promoting sustainability and equity, environment and economics, access to schools, transit, basic services, crime free areas and affordable housing.
They are building awareness at this time. There is concern about lack of diversity in HAND. Workshops are planned for the future. Additional info will be forthcoming.
REACH update – Linda N.
there was a follow up meeting with REACH and some small modifications that were made to existing plans. Provided update on additional testing with DEQ. The modifications to design were especially focused on:
-Working to push top story back and minimize bulk of the structure
-considering of parking, traffic and transportation issues
-changed windows to bay windows and use a lighter color on the top floor
Linda commented that the new design “looked less massiveâ€.
REACH is planning on coming back to HAND with a presentation once it completes Landmarks Commission review and begins permitting process.
Land Use – Frank Dufay
Uncle Paul’s at 23rd and Hawthorne – nothing updated at this time.
A group of neighbors with concerns about parking in and around 26th and Division have not reconnected with HAND. Carolyn B. made a contact with Parking in the City and was told that 10 city blocks is required to be designated as an area for parking permits.
Communications Committee
Muddy Boot Festival – Liz Gatti – HAND participated, had a lot of fun but wasn’t neighborhood oriented, but was good to support a sustainable event in the community.
Sue will respond to complaint about noise at Muddy Boot fest.
Peace Walk – use esplanade on October 7, 2:45-5:00 ish Peace Memorial Park at NE Oregon near the Steele Bridge
Liz makes a motion to approve the walk with stipulation of sharing it with others on other half of walkway. Seconded by Sue P. passed with no dissention.
CB and SP ask that Parks approval could be made more streamlined and timely.
Friends of Trees – planting on 12/1. If interested in helping meet at 39th and Brooklyn. This includes Richmond, Buckman and HAND.
Sign up for inspection by 9/27 – sign up online www.friendsoftrees.org or call 238-0912 Jack S. and visit site to sign up for ways to help.
North Rim talks – Matt Schweitzer owner of building that houses Red and Black, HAND working to act as a conduit on behalf of Red and Black coop. Matt stated that he went as far as he could and had been fair to Red and Black. He is very enthusiastic for participating in conversations about future of Seven Corners will encourage small and local businesses in his redesigned storefronts. Linda N. and Carolyn B. felt that that meeting was congenial and useful.
Seven Corners Summit – Linda N. talking with Tom Armstrong, our Planning Bureau liaison, in convening a meeting. Working toward “a big picture†approach to development.
Hungry for Knowledge – Lindsey McB reported that Lauro Kitchen at 34th and Division has a continuing fund-raising project to benefit neighborhood schools. One Wednesday per month is designated, with a particular school named each month, and on that evening, 20% of the take will be donated to the school. Four SE schools received donations in the Spring and four more will be honored this fall.
Linda N. reported that a rumor is circulating that the building on Division at 20th that houses Dominos and the Seven Days market has sold to an owner based in California. She will seek out more information.
Pat Arias, who lives at Taggart and 25th, brought up issues by drinking in neighborhood at businesses resulting in loud and unruly behavior in the early morning hours as well as dangerous behavior on the streets surrounding the neighborhood. Many neighbors near these locations are upset about this. Some business owners at the immediate area have been combatative and unwilling to help resolve problems. Presented a number of incidents near establishments at 25th and 26th.
Linda N. updated the meeting on the Community Connect process. She stated that much of the future of the neighborhood system is under review and will be discussed at upcoming meetings on 9/25 and 9/29.
Meeting adjourned.
Submitted by:
Lindsey McBride, Note-taker
Carolyn Brock, Secretary