Hosford-Abernethy Neighborhood Development Association (HAND)
Monthly Board Meeting: September 15, 2009
Board members present: Chair Alex Bassos, vice Chair Linda Nettekoven, Secretary Carolyn Brock, Publicity Chair amy Lewin, Liz Gatti, Lois Hankins, Wendy Kunkel, Lindsey McBride, Joseph Murphy, Jack Spadaro, Marilee Tillstrom, Land Use Chair Kina Voelz.
Not present: treasurer Matthew Masini, Frank Dufay, Dave Kaplan, Sue Pearce, Ethan Timm.
6:00 to 7:00: Tri-Met meeting to update and discuss future Portland-Milwaukie Max line running through HAND.
At the opening of the Tri-Met presentation Linda presented Tri-Met and PBOT staff with copies of a petition expressing neighborhood concern about train noise associated with the proposed light rail station at SE 12th and Clinton. The petition contained 300 signatures along with a map indicating where the signers lived within the neighborhood.
Dave Unsworth reported on the Quiet Zone application process and update.
Engineering updates by Leah Robbins, TriMet and Teresa Boyle, City of Portland presented:
Union Pacific RR grade crossings
Bus, bike and pedestrian connections
Pedestrian overcrossing
Powell overcrossing structure
New Water Ave
Streetcar interface with light rail
HAND General Community and Board Meeting
7:12 HAND meeting was called to order by chair, Alex Bassos
Marilee brought copies of the Bee with a front page article on how the residents of Brooklyn neighborhood kept their post office open.
Amy asked that the approval of the minutes be postponed until the end of the meeting so she would have time to read them.
The crime prevention officer, Robert Pickett, discussed crime in the neighborhood. It was noted that they have talked to the club at 720 SE Hawthorne. They plan to have less Hip Hop and they have new security so that should take care of the complaints.
There appeared to be more burglaries than were listed on the report he brought.
Marilee brought up that people were putting garbage in cans other than their own.
The vandalism at Abernathy school was mentioned.
1)Mural meeting (celebration) for Mirador on Sept. 22. There is a notice on the list serve.
2)Anyone interested in a temporary use for the REACH site at 20th and Division has been asked to email their ideas to Linda or Alex.
3)Pocket Park at 19th and Division. Amy reported that they are trying to make it more of a community green space and less of a street. The city will still own the land but an application has been made to make it into a park. They have met with 3 of the 4 landowners with connecting properties. If you would like to help or have any comments please email Amy at amy@handpdx.org.
1)Division Streetscape Project alternatives- Liz Mahon, project manager
The street will be repaved between 11th and 39th. Nothing else needs to be done but the community wants something done. There has been talk about crossings, curb extensions, street trees, street furniture and pet areas. And making it a “green” street.The idea is to slow traffic and improve safety. The pro-time lanes (where parking lanes become traffic lanes during peak hours) will be remove where they can except from 11th to 21st. Where they are removed will become parking lanes or bioswales. The bus stops will be moved to intersections. In the 7 corners area there would be no parking going east of 19th between 4 and 6pm. The right hand lane would become a dedicated right onto 21st, shared with a bike lane. Going west there would be no parking from 21st to 18th between 7-9am. They would put in bike boxes on 21st going north and Ladd going south. They are
planning a design workshop on Oct. 10th at St. Phillip Neri Church between 9am and noon to present the streetscape design.
Discussion from the floor:
a) Chris wondered if a bike lane would make more sense instead since the curb lane is only used 30% by cars. He wants to look at more than cars and to optimize signal crossings.
b)Liz mentioned changing the date of the workshop because the schools have a 3-day weekend that weekend. She mentioned that there were some suggestions made as a result of the 7 Corners Intersections Project last summer that were not accepted by the community and are therefore not being included in the Division Street Repaving project.
c)Lindsey said they have been working on this for many years, the pedestrians are in danger- yet nothing has been addressed. She feels that cars should be discouraged.
d) Marilee brought up that when the light changes to traffic going north on 21st the bikes go everywhere and it is hard to turn onto 20th. The bicyclists are on your right and they could be going onto 20th, Ladd or west on Division.
e)Kina said that the intersections are designed for cars and until people are ready to change their habits. She mention perhaps a pedestrian and bikes only light, or just pedestrians.
Rebuttal: We can’t divert the traffic. Having cars go through the neighborhood would cause a whole new list of problems. Most of the traffic on Division lives west of 41st and as long as there are this many cars on the road they have to be considered first.
2) Washington High Community Center-Susan Meamber
The committee’s project objectives follow the 2004 master plan.
1)location – 12th and se Stark.
2)site with playing field, swimming pool and community center.
3)the stand of trees on the sw corner will be left in place.
4)parking will be underground.
5)the community center will be a positive contribution to the community.
a)scale to site and neighborhood.
b)minimal impact with parking and traffic.
c)scope of programs addresses high priorities.
d)price affordable both building and plans.
They had 1200 survey responses. They also had to consider building support space, offices, lobby, locker rooms, child watch area, art studio, poolside rooms and restrooms. Additionally they would like to see fitness
room and meeting room. There would be 147 parking spaces and perhaps a multipurpose gym. Liz said they would like to see a flexible program to best use the space. With the gym and meeting room perhaps being the same space. There were 3 options, they narrowed it to 2. Both options feature the same program elements.
Option A has a playing field, pool, gym, classrooms and the greatest phasing option.
Option C would take in the high school, which would be gutted and reinforced and a proposed 4 story building would become 3. The project doesn’t phase well. The high school is owned by Portland Public Schools and would have to be purchased. The money for the purchase and the remodel would have to all come at once
without phases. Send your imput to liz@handpdx.org. Liz said that they could miss the opportunity for the bond measure if the decisions are not made. Susan said a 40 million dollar bond is not practical. The decision
of which option has to go to Nick Fish and then the city council to be approved to be a bond issue.
Comments from the floor.
a) Lindseys concern about phases is that later phases may never happen.
b)Amy asked what the schools would do with the property if it wasn’t part of the plan. They want to sell the building. It is unsure what the zoning is.
c)Marilee feels the pool should be top priority.
d) Joseph was surprised that there may not be a gym.
e) Linda asked what would happen if the council did not agree.
f) Kina said at the CAC meeting people have made comments for flexible activities to include everyone including seniors.
• All present were asked to make their preferences clear (no official vote was taken), 4 indicated Option A, 4 indicated Option C and 4 had no preference.
• The minutes were approved with Amy recommending their approval and
Linda seconding it, with Liz, Lois and Jack abstaining.
Submitted by:
Lois Hankins, Note-taker
Carolyn Brock, Secretary