Hello neighbors,
I hope you are enjoying the warm weather. On Tuesday, we’ll be hearing
from the designers of the proposed Cleveland HS rebuild; there are two
proposals, one of which would preserve the existing building, the other
would replace it entirely. Come and learn more about them. The
selected project will impact the neighborhood, and especially future
students at Cleveland.
Following that presentation, we’ll meet Kevin Fitts, candidate for
Multnomah County Commissioner. He’s the third and final candidate we’ll
be hearing from rounding out the slate of candidates running for
District 1. (As a reminder, HAND does not make political
endorsements). Finally, we’ll get a presentation from a group seeking
to rezone the entire inner east side of Portland to be high density
housing. I do not anticipate that we’ll take a position on this
proposal; this is our opportunity to learn more about it
Please join us; the full agenda is linked below.
Chris Eykamp
HAND Chair