What is important to you? With every city bureau facing budget cuts, now more than ever, we need to prioritize our needs and express those to our city leaders. We are going to have to make hard decisions but we can do it from a place of respect and understanding.

To create a more meaningful dialogue, members of the community will be asked to choose two focus areas from the following: parks, transportation, utilities, community development and public safety. We, the neighborhood system, are part of the community development area.

There will be many opportunities for citizen participation coming up. Here are a few ways you can have your voice heard.

Attend a Citywide Community Budget Forum
Join City Council, Bureau Directors and your neighbors at one of Portland’s Community Budget Forums and voice your priorities for next year’s City budget. Finances are tight and your input on what programs and services are most important to keep is needed! Saturday, February 21Floyd Light Middle School10800 SE Washington StCommunity Fair and refreshments at 9:30 AM forum from 10 AM – 12 noon

This is one of three forums that are being held around the city. Visit the website for additional dates and locations.
ADA accessible; for accommodations call 503 823-2559, TDD: 503 823-6868.

Comment online If you cannot attend a forum you are encouraged to send your comments, questions or concerns online. www.portlandonline.com/communitybudget

Learn more about the budget The city has developed a presentation for you and your neighbors to understand the budget process and to be able to share that information with others. Please help get the word out and keep your neighbors and friends informed! Click here to view the presentation.

Become a partner In addition to the three citywide community budget forums traditionally hosted by the City of Portland, this year, neighborhood/business/community organizations have the opportunity to partner with the City to host their own budget forum.

Selection criteria will be based on the organizations’ ability to recruit and bring people to the event, the organizations’ capacity to organize and co-sponsor the event, and the City’s ability to address your selected budget topics. To learn more about the program and to apply visit the city’s website.