The Bureau of Planning and Sustainability is working with HAND and the Brooklyn Action Corps to start a station area discussion group. As you probably know, plans for the Portland-Milwaukie Light Rail line are moving forward so we’re looking to help facilitate conversations about station area planning around the Clinton and Rhine stations. This is a way for neighbors and business owners to get involved and share thoughts and ideas about the areas around the upcoming stations in the Hosford-Abernethy and Brooklyn neighborhoods. The discussion group will build on previous light rail assessment work done by Metro in 2007.
Our first meeting will be on January 6th from 7:00 to 8:30 at Sacred Heart Villa, 3911 SE Milwaukie Avenue.
(Click here to view/print the informational flyer.)
Please contact Matt Wickstrom at 503-823-2834 or by email at with any questions.