Board Meeting Tuesday, January 21, 2014Â
St. Philip Neri Church Paulist Center, St Paul Room 2408 SE 16th Avenue (and Division)
7:00: BOARD MEETING (order of agenda items may change)
7:00: Call to Order
- Introductions
7:05: Approval of minutes of previous meeting
- Approval of Treasurer’s report
7:10: PPB Neighborhood Response Team Officer (schedule-permitting)
7:15: Portland-Milwaukie Light Rail project update: Coral Egnew
7:20: Station Area/SE Quadrant Plans: OMSI District: Paul Carlson
7:50: Committee Reports/Announcements
- SEUL Board Meeting: Bill
- Ladd Circle Committee: Linda, Joanne
- Trees: Joanne
- Emergency Preparedness: Patrick
- NE/SE 20s Bike Route: Paul
- Parks: Amy
- SE Quadrant Stake-Holders: Susan, Linda
- Clean-up
- Clinton Corners Better Block Pdx Concept: Bill, Patrick
- Other?
8:20: Action Items:
- Good Neighbor Agreement with Baerlic Brewing
- Letter re Neighborhood guidelines
- Letter to Mayor re City assume responsibility for Powell Blvd
8:30: Contributions Plan: Dave
8:45:Communications Plan for use of $$ available from SEUL: Paul Coleman
9:00: Adjourn