Street trees are a lasting legacy gift to yourself and to your neighbors
Why get a tree?
• Trees contribute to neighborhood livability.
• Trees reduce city noise and glare, and also calm and slow traffic.
• Houses on tree-lined streets command prices that are up to 20% higher.
• Trees reduce the energy needed to heat and cool homes by 15-35%. TREES = SHADE. We demonstrated that under the shade of the canopy it was only 104 degrees while on the sunny pavement 144 degrees!!!
• Trees remove the greenhouse gas carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.
You will get a city-approved tree for your planting strip. Trees will be between 1.25 and 2 inches in diameter (and 6-14 feet tall!)
The tree planting will take place Saturday, December 5, 2009. All participants are asked to help plant trees on planting day, but can also volunteer in some other capacity instead. On planting day, trained volunteers will assist with hole digging and tree planting. Additionally, you will be supplied with stakes, ties, and labels, as well as follow-up monitoring of your tree.
Please sign up online by October 1 at!!
Or, fill out and mail this form by September 15.
Please mail to: Trees C/O Jack, 2234 SE Grant Street, Portland, OR 97214
Remember, online submissions at are the preferred method.