Here are the list of updated land use notices for our neighborhood:
Hosford-Abernethy | 06-21-10 | 1569 SE Elliott Ave | Historic Design Review – HEARING | LU 10-118051 HDZ (PDF Document, 5,257kb)
Hosford-Abernethy |7-2-10 | 2031 SE Ladd Ave | Historic Design Review – NOTICE | LU 10-148927 HDZ (PDF Document, 1,393kb)
Hosford-Abernethy |7-2-10 |1442-46 SE Hawthorne Blvd | Historic Design Review – NOTICE | LU 10-142078 HDZ (PDF Document, 3,139kb)
FYI – HAND is currently without an acting land use chair. If you’d like to get involved, please join us for our meeting, Tuesday, July 20, or email our chair, Alex Bassos: