HAND Meeting July 15, 2008
St. Phillip Neri, 7:00 p.m.

Board Members present: Chair Alex Bassos, Vice Chair Sean McCusker, Secretary Carolyn Brock, Liz Gatti, Lois Hankins, Wendy Kunkel, Amy Lewin, Matthew Masini, Lindsey McBride, Joseph Murphy, Linda Nettekoven, Sue Pearce, Marilee Tillstrom, Jack Spadaro, Ethan Timm
Also present: Land Use Chair Kina voelz
Board Members Absent: Frank Dufay, Dave Kaplan

Newly elected Chair Alex Bassos called the meeting to order.
No crime prevention officer was present.

National Night Out in HAND is planned for Piccolo Park. There was a call for volunteers and a need highlighted for someone to arrange ice cream. Frank Dufay had earlier volunteered to serve the ice cream to neighbors.
Amy Lewin volunteered to help out with Alex – event will be Tuesday, August 5th. Alex will contact SEUL about event details.

5th Tuesday Sustainability meeting – now planned for 7/29 St. Philip Neri at 7 – talking about all things sustainability. Ethan added details – how we can work together as a community to increase the sustainability of the neighborhood – reduce our carbon footprint, help neighbors increase sustainability practices in their own lives – energy, transportation and more. Sharing info and learning about future efforts will be discussed as well as how to work together toward the goal. You’re all invited. A specific agenda will follow by email.
Kina Voelz added that Buckman has added a sustainability focus to their effort.

Tim O’Neal at SEUL is coordinating all the sustainability efforts at SEUL. Linda will report out on her recent trip to Scandinavia.

Sergio Garcia was present to talk about Geek Fair, August 23, 10-6, 10th Ave. between Market and Mill. Reuse computers and educate community etc., are their goals. They are requesting HAND’s endorsement of Geek Fair – event celebrates volunteer community open to all, learn about FG have fun, music, fun, food 12-6.
• Alex Bassos requested consent for SEUL insurance and street closure and endorsement of Geek Fair – same as last year – Sue Pearce made a motion, Wendy Kunkel seconded, votes = unanimous acceptance.

Emergency Preparedness Forum – David Jewell – 7/27 at 12:00 noon lunch, focus will be info to assess home readiness info – checklists etc. what you need to know. If there are questions call Colonial Heights Presbyterian Church – 503-236-2430.
• 7/27 FLAG Community picnic – Wendy Kunkel moved to support the request, Linda seconded – unanimous support.

Seven Corners – Weds. 7/16 –Linda Nettekoven will send another announcement –near Reach property at Ladd and Division – this is an opportunity for participants to discuss hopes and fears for the intersection – traffic, urban design, contact property owners, collaborate all working to create a more unified place. There will be walkabout or a structured neighborhood walk guided by City Staff and the consultant who is putting together ideas for 7 Corners. Join in from 5-7.

Tri-Met changes:
Tom Mills – service planner for Tri Met – ideas for buses and numerous changes to existing routes. He offered details on specific routes and asked the group for reactions and ideas.

Sean McCusker noted that a survey on SE streetcar transit is coming soon.
Lois Hankins urged the audience to consider how the streetcar system is paid for and supported. Read documents at Portland online, business/property questions about dollar support…hopefully in line for federal dollars…money is an unknown and how will this project impact current tenants and property owners.
An on-line survey will be available soon asking the input of residents, business owners, about the role of streetcars. The survey will be posted on our announce-list when it becomes available. North South connection: these issues are under review for the next 20 to 50 years consider it from the big picture – identify who you are – what would your role be in a new streetcar system … very exciting changes…big picture and city wide link will be provided street car system plan, Portland – Portland street car site.

Kina V. re: 20th and Hawthorne development issue – resolution – proposed building, GE, 20th and Hawthorne, GE mixed use building – 4 51 and 4 floors, , asking for a loading zone adjustment requesting one rather than two, neighbors then became aware of the project, concerns about traffic, parking, noise etc. requested some funds from GE for future street improvements $13,000-$14,000 held by HBBA/SEUL issues on 20th
Contact Kina directly with questions etc. for other contacts

As a follow-up to this issue, Linda Nettekoven reported that she is in the process of writing a letter to the city outlining concerns about the late notification of nearby residents and neighborhood associations during the early planning stages of large projects such as this one. Earlier notification would allow time to inform neighbors about zoning regulations and engage the developer in conversations with all concerned.

Division-Clinton Street Fair – Ex. Comm. suggests donating $100 to event as Sponsor.
Ethan Timm announced that he will take the lead on the HAND booth at the street fair. Come out on 7/26 meet your neighbors. He will coordinate, needs more help, set up and man the booth, clean up, set up at 9 take down at 5. Group consensus was a preference to be near 26th and Clinton.
Ethan needs check for booth – $35
• Wendy Kunkel made a motion, seconded by Carolyn Brock to pay the $35 for the booth plus $100 sponsorship fee– unanimous

Hosford Middle School foundation donation – Exec. Comm. Suggest $200 – in lieu of a formal process – compromise now considering Laurelhurst criteria – maybe they will help with clean up or DCBA march in the parade
• Sue Pearce moved that we provide the $200 to Hosford, seconded by Linda Nettekoven. Dollars will go toward support for their tech support person – Motion passed unanimously.

• Propose motion by Liz G. to approve June minutes with additional info provided by LN and SP – SP seconds – unanimously adopted.

• Election of treasurer – one person on slate – Matthew Masini– formal vote – Liz Gatti makes the motion and Sean McCusker seconded – Vote in favor, Mathew abstains.

Marilee requests that we consider how to archive old minutes (those produced on paper before there were electronic files).

Kamala Bremer reported on a group working to reduce the noise of train horns. A program is under consideration to establish “quiet zones” in north Portland, and now A proposal will be made this fall for a similar program in SE, where the city would install new warning devices at crossings making the horns unnecessary.

Liquor license for Shell at 12th and Hawthorne — in 2001 there was a huge protest – now – they have a temporary license and are selling beer – Alex Bassos – received letter from neighbor with his objections – says that Ladd’s Inn would increase, noise, trespass, litter etc. , – we have a GNA with Ladd’s Inn. Someone will follow up and determine if they have new ownership.
Wendy Kunkel suggested writing a letter to OLCC raising restriction issue, and asking questions about why a temporary license was issued.

Meeting adjourned at 9:05 p.m.

Submitted by:
Lindsey McBride, Note-taker
Carolyn Brock, secretary