Meeting called to order at shortly after 7:00PM.
Introductions followed.
No Crime Prevention or PPB Neighborhood Response Team present. DDA Amber Mosier arrived mid-meeting. Her comments are below.
• Notes that the restaurant guide recently published by the Portland Tribune was written entirely by a HAND resident: Annamarie DiStefano.
• Saturday, ———: This Land is Your Land
Susan Pearce:
• A citizens’ advisory committee is being formed to assist/advise re: a parking study currently underway in the Central Eastside Industrial District. The anticipated Portland-Milwaukie Lightrail line is expected to have an effect on parking in both the residential and industrial segments of HAND, and any decision about parking may affect the residential areas. A second member from HAND to join SP on the committee is desired. That person may be anyone from the neighborhood or the business district.
• The Streetcar CAC will be discussing how an equitable fare schedule may be created for the East-side loop; SP requests that people give her any thoughts they may have.
PDX BRIDGEFESTIVAL: (Nancy Chapin): a series of events to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the Hawthorne Bridge.
• The first event will be a lighting ceremony at dusk on July 24, the evening of the DCBA Street Fair.
• Third-graders in PPS study the bridges in Portland. Members of 3 classes drew pictures of bridges as a ‘Draw Bridges’ project, 18 of which were chosen for banners for the Burnside Bridge. (Go to the PDXBRIDGEFESTIVAL.ORG web site; click on the bridge).
• A brunch on the bridge will be catered by the Salvation Army. Seating will be limited. Go to the web site, buy bumper stickers to enter the drawing.
• The PDXBridgeFestival is a free-standing non-profit organization funded by grants. Willamette Week does the publicity. There are 2 paid positions and many volunteers.
A local artist focusing on the infrastructure and how to heal it has raised some funding, and with the blessing of the City Council, is creating sculptures of long, thin needle-like objects with copper wrapping that will be placed at +/-10 sites around town. One will be at 12th and Clinton.
COMMUNITY ISSUES: Amber Mosier, Multnomah County DDA
The 2010-2011 county budget includes cuts of +/-$600,000 to the DA’s budget, to take effect on July 1. That will represent 5 attorneys, originally planned to be all from the misdemeanor section, now expected to include 3 from misdemeanors and 2 from felonies. Anticipate that some types of misdemeanors will not be prosecuted, probably at the lowest level: disorderly conduct, street drinking, for instance; or they may be prosecuted with decreased aggression. Ms Mosier will keep us posted..
ILLEGAL DUMPING: Tiffany Gates, Metro:
Ms Gates explained the make-up and functions of Metro before reporting on illegal dumping:
Illegal Dumping: the placing of any solid waste on public or private property. If left in place it will ‘grow’ Dumps often include hazardous material such as used syringes. 2 crews work 5d/week, responding to reported sites, often within 24-48 hours, and issue civil citations. Metro crews cannot clean-up sites on private property, but can investigate. Public property includes city streets, sidewalks, and parking strips. The crews do not pick-up from ODOT rights of way.
Litter: one fast-food drink container; Dumping: an entire trashbag.
To report any illegal dump-sites, Metro asks that we call 503-234-3000 (which is also the recycling hot line).
Metro offers disposal vouchers that can be used for no cost at the transfer stations and could be used by a neighborhood for a trash-collection project. The number of disposal vouchers is limited only by the funding, and may run short by the end of the fiscal year. A new FY begins on July 1.
Metro has an agreement with the City of Portland: the PPB will close an established homeless camping site before the Metro team cleans it up. The Metro team will pick-up an isolated couch.
The point where an alley way becomes a private driveway and garage is +/-1 ½ car-widths from the center of the RoW.
Nominated for officers of the HAND Board were
Chair: Alex Bassos
V Chair: Linda Nettekoven
Secretary: Laura Vail
Treasurer: Matt Masini
Publicity Chair: Amy Lewin
A motion to accept the slate was made by Lindsay, seconded by Wendy, and passed unanimously.
• 720 Club (Linda):
The club is currently closed and shuttered. The owners have applied for a license to open again under a new name. There will be an OLCC hearing on Monday. If there is a restriction on the license, another family member would still be able to open a new facility on the site.
• Pocket Park at SE 19th and Division (Amy):
Amy and Linda have met with representatives from PBoT regarding permit requests for the proposed pocket park. PBoT suggests changing the permit request to structured phases:
Phase one to change the back (south) portion of the undeveloped 19th Ave, which would require written support from the neighbors, including New Day School, St Philip Neri, and the Morrison Center. PBoT would help with sidewalks and, perhaps, lighting. The back segment of 19th is currently in use as a staging area for the construction project for New Day School.
Phase two would include design and development of the front half of 19th Ave over several years.
The phasing may put the project on a fast track with increased opportunities for funding, and was suggested because the owner of 1818 SE Division is opposed to any use of the street other than as a parking lot.
Lindsay questioned whether breaking the segment of 19th Ave into two pieces would increase or decrease the likelihood that the front (north) segment would ever be developed. Concerns were expressed that the people currently using the street as a parking lot are not paying business or property taxes for the street.
We were reminded that Mary Tibbett’s estate required that the street must be used as a street.
The front section is included in the Division Street Plan which will go before City Council on 6/23 at 1000 (time certain). Plans include use of street trees at the entry into 19th. Joanne S has drawings of a possible use of the space.
As part of a meeting with St Philip Neri, the committee was informed that the nuns currently occupying the convent will vacating the site; the church is looking at options for other uses for the facility. St Philip Neri wants drawings of the plans for the park before providing a letter of support. This need is seen as a good opportunity to get people to the same table.
Chris E asked about the time frame for the two phases. Amy reports the committee will need about a month to complete the permits and get the written support from the neighboring property owners.
• Division-Clinton Street Fair (Amy):
DCBA and HAND will co-sponsor the street fair, set for Saturday, July 24th, which will allow the event to qualify for liability insurance through SEUL. HAND has obtained a Roots of Our Neighborhood grant $1000.00 for an event on the pocket park site in conjunction with the street fair. It is intended to extend the fun along Division to SE 19th Ave, but not to compete with other events.
DCBA will rent a stage for the empty lot at SE Ladd Ave and Division St. Plans are for music and entertainment from 1200 to 5:00PM and will include child musician David Hall at 1:00 pm playing for donations to Abernethy; “Colored Pencils†a local group who offer a multi-cultural open-mic to allow people a chance to show-case music from their home-lands (appropriate, since HAND, Richmond, and Creston-Kenilworth Neighborhoods have an interesting cultural mix, historically and currently). They will offer +/- 6 acts over a 2-hour period, and are asking for $100. for each performance. Their sound engineer may be willing to help with other performances for a reduced rate.
Contributors for a Roots of Our Neighborhood history booth include Gary Walker who wrote a book on old movies, weddings to be displayed, loops of images of street maps, and from HAND the booklet “My House Has a Storyâ€.
Suggestions for ‘old’ projects to be included, as well as volunteers are sought and hoped-for.
DCBA wants 2 HAND members to help at the parade staging area at 50th and Division, then to carry the banner in the parade.\
Volunteers are needed to carry block-party sign-in sheets. Flyers are going to 24,000 households with Abernethy students at the end of the school year.
• Brothers Cannabis Club(Robert Garfield and Theavy Prom):
The presenters are opening a new business at 1650 SE 12th Ave at the former Dancing Bean site. It will be a private club for a collective of users of medical marijuana. To enter one must have a medical marijuana card validated by the Oregon Medical Marijuana P……. Card-holders who do not have growers will be able to pick up marijuana donated by growers and caregivers with excess supplies; they will then have to leave the premises before ‘vaporizing’ (using the marijuana). Paraphernalia will be available for sale.
Garfield and Prom are working with Multnomah County Service District to register as a legal business.
The establishment will be a private club, not a dispensary where anyone can enter.
Marijuana will not be stored on-site; it will be picked-up from OMMP grow sites with and delivered to the BCC in limited amounts in the am and pm at alternating times.
The club will be open from 1030 to 7:30PM, M-Sa, closed on Sundays, with anticipated 20-25 patient arrivals and departures throughout the day; existing parking near the site allows for 30-min stays only.
Advertisement will be through word of mouth.
There will be no anticipated parties or loitering, no alcohol on premises. Non-alcoholic beverages will be available.
They presenters hope that the organization will also become an educational facility, with programs not necessarily presented on site.
There will be sensors, lighting to prevent break-ins.
The web-site is BCC503.com, phone number:503-753-0999.
Joanne suggested having Havilah do a CPTED check on the premises; Alex will connect the BCC with her.
• Communications (Amy):
Re HANDPDX.org: For those wishing to contribute on-line format to the web site blog, give information to board members; it can help with communications.
• SEUL Report (Laura Vail)
Staff members are working on a project regarding what to do with un-improved streets; they are putting together the information they have gathered.
A Land-use informational program will be held on Saturday 6/19.
There have recent retreats designed to redesign the directions for the SEUL Board.
• Repurposing HAWK-light grant money. (Sue P)
Community Benefit Opportunity grant funds from the Big Pipe project, intended for HAWK lights at Clinton/11th/12/th will no longer be necessary for that purpose, as a result of the plans for re-configuring and signalizing those intersections as a part of the Portland-Milwaukie Lightrail project. Bureau of Environmental Services Director Dean Marriott has agreed to repurpose those funds toward development of a ped-bike route that will be included in a right-of-way purchase along the northern edge of the NW Natural property for the PMLR project, but have not been funded by the larger project.
• The minutes of the May 17, 2010 General meeting were discussed. A motion made by Joanne, seconded by Linda to accept as corrected was decided unanimously with exception of abstention by Jack S.
• A motion by Amy, seconded by Wendy, to send a letter written by Linda supporting the compromise between home-owner at 1860 and neighbor(s) regarding a proposed remodel to the home was accepted unanimously with exception of abstention by Jack S.
• Discussion regarding how to use grant money and additional contributions from HAND for the HAND/DCBA street fair resulted in the following proposal:
The $1000 grant will be used for banner-painting, veggies for pedicures, bandanas other rentals, and $400. for the sound engineer.
Lindsay moved that $1000.00 be used from HAND funds to include:
• Donation to DCBA: $250.
• Funding for performances: $750 (including $600. for ‘Colored Pencils’ and $150. to go to Abernethy School.
The motion was seconded by Bill, and accepted unanimously.
• Turf and hay bales are needed for the Street Fair.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:00PM.
Submitted by Susan E. Pearce, board member