Our regular monthly HAND Board/Community Meeting is coming up next Tuesday, March 17th. We’ll be in our usual spot at 7:00 PM at St. Philip Neri in the Paulist Center (SE 16th Ave and Division). Here are a few of the agenda highlights:
Safeway Good Neighbor Communication Plan — after much good work on the part of neighbors and Safeway personnel, with facilitation from Resolutions Northwest, we have a draft Plan to present for your consideration. The draft will be posted on the HAND website handpdx.org this weekend. If we adopt the Plan, HAND will also send a letter to the OLCC withdrawing our objection to Safeway’s application for a liquor license.
Presentation on the City’s Bike Share Program by Bureau of Transportation staff
Fundraising report on the Piccolo Park drinking fountain
Updates on new mix used developments proposed for Division Street
Grant possibility for the “Pocket Park” site
Plans for HAND Neighborhood Clean Up on April 21st, at the Cleveland High School Parking Lot
Hawthorne Civic Ecology Charrettes on May 19th and June 7th — Join your neighbors and business owners in designing ways to make inner Southeast an even more resilient and sustainable place to live, work and play
…. And lots of other updates depending on the time available. Full agenda to follow.