Happy New Year! Please join your neighbors for our next monthly board meeting:

Hosford-Abernethy Neighborhood Development Association (HAND)
Community/Board Meeting
Tuesday, January 19, 2010, 7:00 PM to 8:30 PM
Land use meeting to start at 6:00

St. Philip Neri Church Paulist Center
2408 SE 16th Avenue (and Division)
St. Paul room

Land Use: Jeff Schnabel will present on his study of noise related issues associated with the Brooklyn Train Yards. We’ll talk about various issues that arise when freight rail areas are mixed in with urban, residential settings.

Board Agenda
Crime Prevention Coordinator
Treasurer’s Report
(1) Portland Plan joint meeting with Abernethy – January 21st

(1) Clay Street Art Project – Linda Weissong
(2) Light Rail Study Group
Including letter of support for city grant to CET to do study.
(3) Green Team
(4) Pocket Park

Board Issues
(1) Clean Up Lead Needed
(2) Approval of Minutes
(3) Garden of Wonders – Contribution
(4) Renew membership with DCBA and HBBA?
(5) St Philip Neri Donation? Earmarked for local use?

The Hosford-Abernethy Neighborhood Development association meets the third Tuesday of every month (excluding August and December). For more information or to have an item placed on the agenda, please contact the board chair Alex Bassos (see our board page).