At the next board meeting on January 18th, we’re going to do something a little different. Instead of having outside presenters and a limited amount of topics, we’re going to have a bunch of topics and discuss among ourselves (community members) where we are and where we want to be. More specifically, for each topic we’ll cover: (1) a quick review of the issue or project, (2) the official HAND position, if there is one, (3) an update as to what, if anything has happened in the last couple months, (4) the ideal resolution from our perspective and (5) what, if anything, the board should do in the months ahead (gather information, wait and see, take action, figure out our position etc.)

The discussion is open to all – not just board members.
See you on Tuesday,
Alex Bassos
HAND Chair

Hosford-Abernethy Neighborhood Development Association (HAND)
Board Meeting
Tuesday, January 18, 2010, 7:00 PM
Land Use meeting to start at 6:30

St. Philip Neri Church Paulist Center, St Paul Room
2408 SE 16th Avenue (and Division)

Crime Prevention
SEUL Update with Tim O’Neal

Community Issues
(1) Safeway
(2) 20th & Market
(3) Ladd’s Addition Guidelines
(4) Tree Code
(5) SDC overlay
(6) Station Area Plan
(7) Pocket Park

Internal Board Issues
(1) Approval of minutes
(2) SEUL grant

Close windows and lock up St Philip Neri