Hosford-Abernethy Neighborhood Development Association (HAND)
Community/ Board Meeting
Tuesday, May 19, 2009, 7:00 PM
(Land Use meeting at 6:30)
St. Philip Neri Church Paulist Center
2408 SE 16th Avenue (and Division)

Draft Agenda


Crime Prevention Officer

Elections to the Board


(1) CleanUp Marilee
(2) Green Team Ethan
(3) Washington High survey – Liz

Presentations and Conversations

(1) Tabor to the River BES
(2) Division Street traffic/citizen working group – Amy

Internal Board Issues

(1) Approval of minutes
(2) Treasurers report Matthew

Join us! We need volunteers from all backgrounds to help make our neighborhood a great place to live!

At May’s meeting we will elect new board members. Members serve a two-year term as volunteers for the neighborhood. If you are interested in serving, please contact a member of our board. (Contact information can be found here.)

Here’s a few more details from our bylaws:
-Number of board members: no fewer than four and no more than 20.
-Terms of office: two years
-Recruitment of members: nominations opened on April 1 of each year and held open until the general membership meeting in May, names of candidates placed by nominating committee or nominations from the floor
Eligibility requirement for board members: Only members can vote and serve on the HAND board. You should read the following aloud at the election meeting, so that everyone present can determine whether or not they are a members, and therefore are eligible to vote and serve on the board. “Membership shall be open and given to all qualifying residents, property owners, business owners (or their designees), governmental agencies and non-profit organizations located within the boundaries of HAND or to any person appointed as a member to HAND by the Board of Directors in accordance with Article VII of the bylaws. Each member that is of legal voting age in the State of Oregon shall be entitled to all voting privileges. To qualify as a HAND member, one must meet the requirements of this said section and have signed a membership list provided by the Board of Directors.”.
– Quorum to vote at general meetings, including elections: the number of members in attendance.
– Process for voting: The HAND bylaws allow for voting by hand or written ballot.