Hi all,

HAND does not usually have a board meeting in August, but we’re having a
special short 1-topic meeting (with two topics, just to keep it
interesting) in order to make a decision about approving the proposed
Good Neighbor Agreement for the Clinton Triangle sanctioned campsite on
SE Gideon St.

We’ve discussed this project many times recently, and we reviewed a
draft of the GNA in June.  Not much has changed in the agreement since
then, but we need to make a decision about whether to sign it or not.

The camp has been up and running for a few weeks, and honestly, from my
perception, I’m having a hard time seeing a difference, good or bad.
There’s still camping around the neighborhood, and the problems some
have anticipated emanating from the camp have not materialized, as far
as I am aware.

There were a number of HAND board members on the GNA committee, so I
hope we were able to adequately capture all the concerns we’ve heard.
At the very least, rest assured the document has been well vetted,
including by some very skeptical of the whole project.  This was not a
committee of the true believers.

If you are planning to join, please review the GNA ahead of time.  It is
linked below.  We will not be going through it line-by-line, so if there
is something you want to discuss, please be prepared to talk about it.

I’m hoping that we can make a decision and wrap up by 8PM.

Please join us,

Chris Eykamp
HAND Chair

HAND Agenda 2023-08