The Portland Charter Review Commission Invites You to
Make Your Voice Heard!

What: Public Forum with the Portland Charter Review Commission
When: Monday, September 26, 2011, 6:00 p.m.
Place: Portland City Hall Council Chambers, 1221 SW Fourth Ave , Portland OR 97204

What is the Portland Charter and why should I attend the forum?
The Portland Charter is the City of Portland ’s Constitution. Every ten years, Portland City Council appoints twenty community members to serve as the Charter Review Commission. The Commission has the ability to research, deliberate and refer to voters proposed changes to the Charter. This is YOUR chance to tell the Commission what you think should be changed, added to or deleted from Portland ’s Charter. Topics currently under consideration by the Charter Commission include:

· Independent Utility Rate Commission (Water and Sewer)
· Human Rights Commission
· Office of the Ombudsman

August Forum Topics: This is an open forum, at which Charter Commission members will take public input on these and any other topic related to the City Charter.

Should the Charter Commission refer to voters the option to create an Independent Utility Rate Commission to oversee water and sewer rates?

Should the Charter Commission refer to voters an addition to the Charter to ensure continued funding for the Human Rights Commission so it can continue to provide independent recommendations to citizens and elected officials concerning human rights issues in the City of Portland ?

Should the Charter Commission refer to voters an addition to the Charter to ensure funding for the Office of the Ombudsman and to protect the independence of the Ombudsman position?

Please share your thoughts on what policy and practical issues should be considered by the Commission as it reviews these proposals. We care what you think and want to hear from you! Doors open at 5:30 for those who wish to arrive early. Attendees can opt to listen, sign up to testify or submit a comment card for the record. For those who wish to testify, we will accept testimony in the order in which you sign up.

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