What’s Your Vision for the Portland Region’s Future?

The Portland region is a special place and we all want it to stay that way. But the region will continue to grow – by one million new residents by 2030, according to projections. How we plan for that growth will affect our quality of life for generations to come.

Crucial decisions about future growth are being determined as Multnomah, Clackamas and Washington counties propose candidate areas for urban and rural reserves. You can learn more about urban & rural reserves on our web site.

The counties are just weeks away from making a recommendation to the Regional Reserves Steering Committee on which areas to protect as rural reserves and which to urbanize over the next 40-50 years. It is crucial that our elected officials hear from you on how you think the region should grow.

Join us Tuesday for InFARMation (and Beer!)

On Tuesday, August 11th, come by Roots Organic Brewery (1570 SE 7th Ave. in Portland) to learn more about reserves and hear directly from affected farmers, including local farmer rockstar Laura Masterson from 47th Avenue Farm and Organic Beef and Dairy Farmer, Greg Malinowski of Malinowski Farms.

We’ll chat about how local food and smart growth enthusiasts can weigh in and support our local farmers. Join us at 5:30 for drinks and networking; program begins 6:30pm.

Bar service is available in the event space, and pints of Roots’ beer are only $2.50 all night! A light menu is available in the event space and a full dinner menu next door at the pub. Contact tara@friends.org for details.