The 7 Corners Urban Design Strategy identified three options for transforming the 7 Corners intersection. However, the community discussion did not result in a clear preference and raised a number of questions and issues that are best addressed in the context of the larger Division Streetscape and Reconstruction Project. Therefore, the final report captures the ideas, issues, opportunities and challenges that were identified through this process and is intended to be a launching point for the streetscape design project.
The Division Streetscape and Street Reconstruction Project Citizen Advisory Committee (CAC) is currently working with the City on streetscape design alternatives for Division Street from SE 11th to 39th Avenue (which includes the Seven Corners intersection). A public open house will be held in June to allow the community to review the design alternatives and provide feedback. Stay tuned for additional information regarding the June open house. The Division Streetscape Project website is:
For questions regarding the Division Streetscape and Street Reconstruction Project, please contact Elizabeth Mahon with the Bureau of Transportation (503-823-0396,