Beginning June 28, SE Cesar Chavez will be closed to through traffic all hours and all days between SE Hawthorne Blvd. and SE Division St. for a maximum of 21 consecutive days. The closure is necessary for sewer construction. Local access only to residents and businesses will be provided.
SE Cesar Chavez will be completely closed to ALL traffic at SE Harrison St. for all approaches.
Signed detours will direct traffic to SE 30th Ave. and SE 50th Ave.
Residents on SE Cesar Chavez between SE Lincoln and SE Grant streets must proceed southbound on SE 39th Ave. because vehicular traffic is not allowed to turn onto SE Lincoln.
The Portland Noise Review Board granted Environmental Services a noise variance for overnight construction for this project. Construction will occur 24 hours a day, all days, for a maximum of 21 consecutive days to complete the work as quickly as possible.
For more information, please visit