Next Wednesday, October 6th, Abernethy students and their parents will be taking part in the third annual “Tour de Ladd.” Please see the parking restrictions/suggestions outlined below. If you can, be sure to pass this on to any neighbors you may know who may be affected.

Abernethy Elementary School
3rd Annual Tour de Ladd
Wednesday, Oct. 6, 2010
9:15 – 12:00 p.m.

There will be some important restrictions on parking and driving on the Tour course before and during the event to meet these safety needs. Please help us keep your kids safe by doing the following:

Before the Event
1. Please avoid parking on or within any portion of the course during morning drop-off on the 6th. This includes Hickory Street and the portions of Orange and Tamarack Avenues north of Hickory, as well as the alley between Hickory and Tamarack. If you do park in any of these areas, it is extremely important that you move your car by 8:45 to help us ensure that the course is clear and the event can start on time at 9 a.m.

2. Please avoid parking on Birch Street between Elliott and Orange Avenues during morning drop-off. Given the proximity of this street to the course and that it is difficult to turn around on Birch, we also would like this street as clear of cars as possible by 8:45 a.m.

3. Please use Elliott Avenue to the greatest extent possible for drop-off. We know this requires a bit of extra walking but it will be extremely helpful us organize and conduct the event in a safe manner.

During the Event
1. Between, 9 a.m. and 12 noon, driving and parking on, through, or across any part of the course must be restricted while the kids are riding. Ideally, we do not want anyone on the course during this entire time. So if you can avoid driving or parking on the course during that period, it would be greatly appreciated. If you are just traveling through the area, please use an alternate route. If you are traveling to someplace within the course area, it would be great if you could park outside the area and walk to your destination.

2. If you absolutely have to drive on or within the course between 9 and 12, we will be asking you to wait until there is a break between waves of riders. Your cooperation with volunteers who will be staffing barricades at entrances to the course will be greatly appreciated. Volunteers will have explicit instructions about how to access the course safely.

If you have questions about any of these requests, please contact Matt Hastie (503-539-7680) or JJ Heldmann (503-490-8220). Thank you very much for your cooperation and support in making this a fun and safe event!