Connecting Green Research, Lands and Partners
Monday, January 26, 2009
Portland State University, Smith Center Ballroom
You are invited to participate in the seventh annual symposium hosted by the Urban Ecosystem Research Consortium (UERC). During the symposium, you will have opportunities to network, build partnerships and exchange information with others concerned about urban environmental issues and the practical application of related ecological and social sciences in the Portland, Ore./Vancouver, Wash. metropolitan region. The day will be packed with a series of presentations, a poster session, keynote speakers, raffles, and plenty of time to visit with colleagues. Join us for a day of sharing, learning and inspiration.
CALL FOR ABSTRACTS: The symposium will provide a unique opportunity for people to share information about environmentally- focused research, projects and programs. Relevant fields include the biological, chemical
and physical sciences, land use planning, habitat management and restoration, environmental education and the social sciences. Abstracts should focus on sharing results, lessons learned, or information about opportunities and resources that may be of interest to those working to advance and apply the sciences related to ecological issues in the greater Portland/Vancouver region. Abstracts for presentations, posters, or simply to publish in the proceedings will be accepted through Monday, October 27, 2008. Please see the UERC web site at www.uercportland. org for details.
REGISTRATION IS OPEN: Please see the attached flyer or visit www.uercportland.org for details.
We hope to hear from you and see you there, The UERC Planning Committee