Here’s an update from our friends at the Central Eastside Industrial Council:
Where will some of the funds for the light rail come from? If you’re a business in the ‘Southern Triangle’ of the district, you’re gunna wanna read this because you could get smacked with some new fees:
An important letter about the 12th Street Overpass: Did you know that the city is looking to eliminate a car/truck lane on the 12th Street Overpass (near Benson High) so that bicyclists can maneuver easier? Trek on over here to see the CEIC’s position on this vital freight lane:
Your input is needed concerning the Joint Terrorism Task Force: Should the city rejoin the JTFF? Read this and make your comments know to Suzanne Hayden the Executive Director Citizens Crime Commission:
Film projects coming to the CEID: You love the district, and so do film producers. Over the next few months, the area will see a bevy of new film productions which will close streets and impact the area. See the latest film and its location by viewing this:
Eastside Big Pipe Update: Ahead of schedule and below budget, the big pipe is moving along. Get the latest info on it here:
CEIC Cleanup scheduled for May 21st: Help us clean up some graffiti and remove waste along with other CEIC businesses. Here is where the details await:
You’re invited! Rose City Storage and Wine Vault is holding a Grand Opening on May 12th and all CEIC businesses are invited. Check it our here: