The announcement below is from Tom, the Food & Garden Educator at Abernethy Elementary School. Everyone from the neighborhood is welcome to attend!

Pruning Workshop and Spring Cleanup
hosted by: Abernethy School Kitchen Garden

February 27th, 10am-1pm

Abernethy parent Bryan French will prune our plum, apple, and pear trees and teach us some pruning basics. We will also get things ready for the spring plantings.

Volunteers will clean up the garden, rake leaves, remove sheet mulch, move soil, prune bushes, clean the greenhouse and paint signs!

We would love you to bring: We will provide you with:
gloves basic information on pruning
shovels snacks
clippers hot beverages
and enthusiasm! and a fun day working outside!

PLEASE RSVP, especially if you can provide any tools.
Email Tom at: