Thursday, September 18, 2008
University of Portland – Buckley Center Auditorium
5000 N Willamette Boulevard
Portland, OR 97203
6:30 pm – 8.30 pm

Oregon’s Big Look Task Force is a 10-member state-appointed group charged with evaluating our statewide land use planning system and making recommendations to the 2009 legislature. Now the task force has scheduled a workshop in Portland to get public input on their proposals to change land use planning in Oregon. These public workshops are the only opportunity for us to voice our opinions on the task force’s proposals about Oregon’s future.

Task force research has found that our system does a good job of protecting our valuable farms and forests from urban sprawl. The task force believes that the challenges of the future – including population growth and global warming – will be harder to plan for than the challenges of the past.

Please attend and bring a friend to the town hall meeting listed below. It is critical that the task force hear from hundreds, hopefully thousands, of Oregonians who know that Oregon’s land use system is effective, and needs to be strengthened in the face of new challenges.