7-9 pm Thursday July 21st Johnson Chapel and Student Center 5511 SE Hawthorne Blvd
The forum is being sponsored by the Hawthorne Boulevard Business Association. Greg Moon, HBBA board chair, will be the moderator.
A business owner on Hawthorne will speak briefly about how the current situation on the boulevard affects their business. Someone who lives in the neighborhood will talk about how the situation affects livability in the area as well as their relationship to Hawthorne Boulevard. Other participants will include representatives from the Portland Police Hawthorne Walking Patrol, The Office of Neighborhood Involvement crime and safety, mental health services, and a private security firm. Mayor Hales and Mayor Elect Wheeler have been invited to attend.
The forum will not dwell on the problems, since most everyone is aware of them, but rather on solutions.
The Southeast Examiner will be sending someone to report on the forum so people who cannot attend can be informed.