Below is an update on the status of the Division Streetscape Construction Project from Project Manager Liz Mahon. If you have feedback, please contact one of the HAND board members on the CAC (Amy Lewin, Liz Gatti or Linda Nettekoven) by noon, Monday, June 1.
– Alternatives Summary (block by block and general overview)
– Overview of Alternatives
– Alternatives Summary by Block – draft
– Alternatives Legend
The concepts identify possible streetscape improvements under the two street cross-section scenarios discussed in the 2005 Division Green Street / Main Street Plan.
Please note that although we are showing two alternatives (based on where we left off in 2005), we are moving forward with removing pro-time lanes where possible along Division to either return vehicle parking, create pedestrian crossings with curb extensions, enhance bus stops, or create bike parking.
We are working with Kittelson to determine what capacity is needed at the major intersections along SE Division (11th/12th, Seven Corners, 26th). We’ll discuss their findings at CAC #4 in July. At that time, we’ll work together as a committee to finalize the cross-section design and discuss what is needed at the various intersections.
Please review the streetscape options above and provide feedback to CAC members by noon on Monday, June 1st. We’ll compile the comments and present these at our meeting on June 3rd.
Our June CAC meeting will focus on establishing the design goals and vision for the streetscape improvements. The goals will be presented to the community at the June open house.
Staff will develop a draft list of design goals based upon what we’ve heard from the CAC to date (in addition to anything you submit by June 1st). We’ll review and refine the list as a group at our next meeting.
Please email me if you have any questions. I look forward to hearing back from everyone.
Elizabeth Mahon
Portland Office of Transportation
1120 SW 5th Ave, Suite 800
Portland Oregon 97204