Hosford-Abernethy Neighborhood Development (HAND)
Community/Board Meeting, May 19, 2009
St. Phillip Neri, 7:00 p.m.

Board members present: Chair alex Bassos, Secretary Carolyn Brock, Treasurer Matthew Masini, Liz Gatti, Dave Kaplan, Amy Lewin, Lindsey McBride, Joseph Murphy, Susan Pearce, Jack Spadaro, Marilee Tillstrom, Ethan timm, Land Use Chair Kina Voelz
Board members absent: Vice Chair Linda Nettekoven, Frank Dufay, Lois Hankins, Wendy Kunkel

Chair Alex Bassos called the meeting to order.

Clean-up Report:
Marilee Tillstrom reported on the success of HAND’s May 2 Clean Up. Revenue is at $1768 day of event, with $120 more received from the later sale of metals. Event removed 11 ton, 451 lbs from the neighborhood.
Special thanks to Ann Swinford, who made a superb effort in cleaning up the Cleveland High Parking Lot, acknowledged afterwards by school officials.

Board Elections:
First order of business was to elect board members for 2 year terms. A slate of candidates was announced. Included are returning members Alex Bassos, Amy Lewin, Liz Gatti, Carolyn Brock, Matthew Masini, and Jack Spadaro. Nominated from the floor was Kina Voelz. Susan Pearce moved to accept the slate, seconded by Dave Kaplan.
• Slate was unanimously elected.

Green Team:
Ethan Timm reported on the progress of the HAND GREEN Team. The neighborhood intent is to reduce our carbon footprint. A new GREEN team list serve can be accessed thru the Hand web site. Information about Northwest Earth Institute classes and reservations on the Aug. 22 Bull Run watershed tour, sponsored by Portland Parks can be found on the GREEN team’s new link. Space on the Bull Run tour is limited to 26, the cost is $10 per person.

Approval of april Minutes:
• April minutes were approved. Amy Lewin made the motion, seconded by Liz Gatti. Carolyn , Dave, Sue and Marilee abstained, having not attended the April meeting.

Save Our elms:
Dave Kaplan, chair of Save Our Elms asked that HAND request insurance coverage for Save Our Elms sponsored events. The events are the yearly elm inoculations and the fund raiser for purchase of the fungicide treatment.
• Sue Pearce moved to request that SEUL grant coverage as community event. Carolyn Brock seconded the motion. It passed unanimously.

Treasurer’s Report:
Matthew Masini gave the treasurer’s report. Balance at $34,675.43. The 6-month CD at Rivermark Bank is up and Matthew asked for permission to renew at the current rate of 1.75% for 6 mo.
• Motion made and approved unanimously.

Tabor to the River:
Ann Nelson, Bureau of Environmental Services, COP, reported on progress of Tabor to the River, the city’s east side watershed management plans. She highlighted the various hand outs and mailers about the project.
Our area is identified as the Taggart d sustainable station, flowing into the Brooklyn Creek basin. Most of these streams are under streets and buildings and day lighting them is hardly likely.

For those interested 1862 USGS maps for the area can quite possibly identify streams under our pavement.

The most frequent and visible projects will be the many bioswales to control street water run off. Questions to Nelson included whether the facilities would be on private as well as public property and who will be responsible for the maintenance. She reminded us that more trees from Friends of Trees will be available thru grants.

The Division Street survey will soon be released, to help in coordinating the big pipe project and PBOT’s street scape project. She asked for lots of input.to keep Division Street open for transportation and businesses.

Ethan asked that south corridor light rail be considered in both the Tabor to the River and the Division transportation project.

Amy Lewin, Hand CAC rep for Division St asked that a formal proposal for the pocket park be included the the Division Street Plan. Amy, Liz, Ethan, and Kina will be a committee to keep the momentum for the park on track.

Washington-Monroe Community Center:
Liz Gatti reported on the East Side community center’s on going plans. The committee continues to ask for input, asking “what should the center be?” The project is at the point of design and there are many options on the table. An online survey will be available.

Clear-Wire Access:
Amy Lewin showed images of the resolution to the Clear Channel tower siting. It was moved from SE 26th and Division to SE 29th and Division.

The new minister at St. David of Wales Episcopal Church at SE 28th and Harrison/Lincoln introduced herself, Helen Lee, and invited everyone to a Fourth of July event at the church. She distributed flyers about upcoming events.

Meeting adjourned at 9:02 p.m.

Submitted by:
Marilee Tillstrom, Note-taker
Carolyn Brock, Secretary