Hosford Abernethy Neighborhood Development
Meeting Minutes 9/15/10

Meeting called to order at 7:00 pm

– Poster boards and computer slideshows of photographs and maps from the history project shown at the Street Fair are on display during today’s meeting
– There is an Oregonian article about HAND’s Park-ing Day on 19th Ave

Crime Prevention: report from Officer Li. Reminders to practice car security by keeping all items out of view, and to post numbers on the alley sides of houses in Ladd’s

Election Issues
– BM 26-114: Janis Adler describes the initiative, which would create the option for the county to create a library district in the future. This would allow the library system to have dedicated property tax line item funding (currently there is a serial levy covering 65% of its funding goes to voters every 5 years).
– BM 26-108: representative Jeanine from the League of Women Voters describes the measure to renew the Voter Owned Elections measure, which is at its 5 year review. It provides public funding to candidates for the Mayor, City Commissioner, and Auditor who qualify with signatures and $5 contributions. Questions from HAND about the results for candidates who have used this option, the use of public funds for this purpose, changes to the audit process for candidates, etc.

MOTION by Linda to support measure 26-108, SECONDED by Sue. Discussion. Motion carries with 1 no, 12 yes, and 0 abstentions.

Norway Maples
Portland is revising its tree code, and the Norway Maples called for in the original plans for Ladd’s Addition are part of the discussion as they are considered by some to be a nuisance tree. HAND has voted in the past to pursue a historical exception which would allow for planting Norways in Ladd’s in spite of the ban. Save Our Elms and the Historical Landmark Committee are part of the dialogue, and individuals are encouraged to contact these organizations to express thoughts, interest, or ask questions. Discussion of the issue raised questions including how much of an environmental threat the trees really are, the importance of historic preservation, and whether the difference between these and other types of maples is noticeable.

Pocket Park
A successful day of outreach with passersby, TV news coverage, and presence on Intertwine’s map. Follow up from the event will include approaching the property owners again about possible park plans and meeting with PBOT this week. The $500 dedicated to the project 1.5 years ago by HAND has been spent.

Treasurer’s Report
HAND’s current balance is $32,494.11. Recent expenses were for Pocket Park sod, the Cleanup, and income is expected from Southeast Uplift’s communications funds.

June and July Minutes
MOTION by Carolyn to approve, SECONDED by Sue. Approved unanimously with 0 abstentions.

Art Pearce, Teresa Boyle, and Jennifer Koozer give an update on the Portland-Milwaukie Light Rail. Federal funding was reduced from 60% to 50%, meaning many difficult changes to the project including cuts in its scope, deferrals of some elements, and finding local funding, all with an emphasis on keeping it on schedule. Cuts include reduced size of parking structures, and not rebuilding the Clinton pedestrian overpass (as it could be added later). Art has brought sketches of possible ways to improve the Powell underpass, and of a ‘Clinton to the River multiuse path,’ the latter of which would align the shift called for of Water Ave with the changes to the OMSI area and make the river more accessible. A walkabout to consider improvements to the Powell underpass is hoped for by HAND. An open house for the project will be in October, and it will go to the City Council in November.
MOTION by Sue for a HAND letter in support of the project to add to the application for a state Transportation Enhancement grant. SECONDED by Linda. Motion passes unanimously with 0 no, 13 yes, and 0 abstentions.

Meeting Adjourned at 9:00 pm

Board Members Present:
Alex Bassos, Linda Nettekoven, Laura Vail, Matthew Masini, Amy Lewin, Carolyn Brock, Bill Crawford, Lindsey McBride, Sue Pearce, Jack Spadaro, Joanne Stainbrook, Marilee Tillstrom, Jon Warmflash

Board Members Absent:
David Kaplan, Wendy Kunkel, Ethan Timm, Kina Voelz