The next Hosford-Abernethy board meeting is Tuesday, May, 17.
We hope you make plans to join us! It promises to be an unusually fun and informative evening!

HAND General meeting starts at 6:30 p.m. with refreshments and a brief performance from a few of the members of Cleveland High School’s Jazz Band.
Last year, HAND donated $500 to Cleveland’s band for the purchase of specialized drums and equipment. Thanks to our board member, Marilee Tillstrom, the band has agreed to thank us with a brief performance next Tuesday evening. Please come to show your support of this award-winning group.

St. Philip Neri Church Paulist Center, St Paul Room
2408 SE 16th Avenue (and Division)

HAND AGENDA (starting at about 7:00 p.m.- order of items may change)

In the event of a city-wide or regional emergency, are we prepared? Find out what it takes to become a member of Portland’s Neighborhood Emergency Team.
Neighborhood Emergency Teams (NETs) are residents trained by the Portland Office of Emergency Management and Portland Fire & Rescue to provide emergency disaster assistance within their own neighborhoods.
NET members receive basic training (Community Emergency Response Team) on how to save lives and property until the professionals can arrive. They have the skills to help their neighbors without getting hurt themselves. Read more about the program here:

Did you know that the city of Portland offers a training for neighbors on the basics of disaster preparedness and crime prevention. It’s called “Know Your Neighborhood” (KYN). Everyone can benefit from knowing their neighbors and having resources on hand, and KYN’s purpose is to build community and strengthen readiness among neighbors.
On Tuesday, representatives will be on hand to offer a brief overview of the training involved in this program. You can also read more about it online here:

Board members will give a round of updates regarding issues affecting our neighborhood, from updates on the Portland to Milwaukie Light Rail project to the latest on the Division Streetscape Reconstruction Project.

4. BOARD ELECTION – We need you!
As a volunteer board, our group is currently in need of neighbors who are inspired to help coordinate our communications network, help coordinate volunteers, and/or create and distribute welcome baskets for new members of the neighborhood. If you would like to get involved, please make plans to join us! Board members serve a two-year term. If you are interested, please contact our recruiting board member Wendy Kunkel –

For more information, questions, etc., please email HAND Vice Chair Linda Nettekoven: