President’ Day Rally to Protect Kids & Schools
Monday, February 16, 2009
State Capitol Steps in Salem
12-1 pm

Parking at the Capitol is limited. Register at or/rally to reserve your seat on buses from your community. Bring your children and grandchildren, and a home-made sign. Prepare for rain or shine. Bring your lunch and a water bottle.

Register online at or/rally to meet with your legislators before or after the rally.

Do you consider schools and children’s programs a priority? Are you concerned that children will suffer in this tough economic time? If so, come give children a voice at the Presidents Day Rally to Protect Kids and Schools on Monday, February 16th at noon on the Capitol Steps in Salem. By standing together we’ll make it possible for legislators to stand up for children and other vulnerable members of our community. The rally is an opportunity to speak up for Oregon’s children and other vulnerable members of the community and demonstrates to the legislature how much people care about schools and services – even in an economic downturn. The rally is sponsored by Stand for Children – a grassroots child advocacy organization with a track record of proven results for kids in Oregon. Stand understands that Oregon and the nation are in an economic downturn and is asking for smart, strategic investments to keep moving forward. Investing in children provides the best return on investment for our future. The quality of our public schools and services for children today determine our quality of life in the future. Oregon’s economic situation highlights the need to increase the stability & adequacy of Oregon’s tax system. Our legislature must make progress this session on this issue. To do this successfully they need our pressure and our support. Join a growing movement on Presidents Day to speak out against cuts and advocate to make reasonable progress for Oregon’s children. Call Rebecca Groff at 503-235-2305 ext. 118 for more information.