Sellwood Bridge open house Nov. 16 will focus on design and construction

An open house for the Sellwood Bridge Project will be held on Wednesday, November 16 from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. at Llewellyn Elementary School , 6301 SE 14th Avenue in the Sellwood Moreland neighborhood.

The event will share information on the project’s final design and preview construction activity that will begin this winter. Information to be presented will include:

· Updated drawings of the new bridge and design features selected this fall
· Landscape plans for the interchange with Highway 43 and surrounding area
· Construction schedule highlights and plans for motor vehicle, bicycle and pedestrian access
· Plans to move the existing bridge for use as a detour bridge next summer
· Construction phasing for rebuilding the Highway 43 interchange
· Project funding update
· Plans to work with local schools and use the project as a learning opportunity

Staff from Multnomah County , the City of Portland , the design firms and general contractor will be available to discuss project plans and answer questions. The event has a drop-in format.

Construction staging will begin in December, with early work focused on the detour bridge. Construction of the new bridge is expected to begin in July 2012. The $268 million project is scheduled for completion at the end of 2015.

Multnomah County maintains the Sellwood Bridge , five other Willamette River bridges and 300 miles of roads. For project information, visit