Below is a list of the updated Land Use Notices for our neighborhood.

Hosford-Abernethy | 07-24-09 | 1825, 1847 and 1917 SE Clinton Street | Conditional Use Review – HEARING | LU 09-134675 CU AD (PDF Document, 1,339kb)

Hosford-Abernethy | 08-03-09 | 1422 SE Palm Street | Adjustment Review – NOTICE | LU 09-144493 AD (PDF Document, 2,085kb)

Hosford-Abernethy | 08-04-09 | 2203 SE Orange Avenue | Historic Design Review – NOTICE | LU 09-144506 HDZ (PDF Document, 1,015kb)

Hosford-Abernethy | 08-05-09 | 1817 SE 16th Avenue | Historic Design Review ? NOTICE | LU 09-143471 HDZ (PDF Document, 653kb)

The Hosford-Abernethy Land Use Committee does not meet during the month of August. For questions or concerns, please contact our Land Use Chair Kina Voelz: